Closed Bug 37891 Opened 25 years ago Closed 23 years ago

localisable strings in Netscape application program


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurasl, Assigned: paulkchen)



(Keywords: l12y, Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-])

there are localisable strings contained in the Netscape Application program:

Alert :
This program requires at least system 8.5 to run
Localisability issue.
setting keyword to nsbeta2 cc'ing fergus
Keywords: nsbeta2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
Ever confirmed: true
leger is no longer @netscape. changing qa contact to component's default
QA Contact: leger → chofmann
Assignee: chofmann → msanz
OS: All
add kw l12y
Keywords: l12y
laura, can you add more info? Where are the strings hardcoded? Is this in the
Mac installer? If so, please reassign to sgehani.
This is a dialog in the Netscape 6 Application. Open in Resourcer and look at 
the ALRT Type.
reassigning to samir and adding nsbeta1
Assignee: msanz → sgehani
Keywords: nsbeta2nsbeta1
The strings are not hardcoded.  They are in a resource (dialog resource) as
cited above.  CC'ing dveditz for triage input.
The string appears to be wrong, too. We require 8.6

This is the browser, not the installer, assigning to pchen to figure out who 
should own this. I assume this is not going to change, though.
Assignee: sgehani → pchen
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Daniel - is this a hardcoded string? If so, Paul this needs to be fixed for beta1.
This is not a hardcoded string, but it's a "hardcoded" rsrc (ALRT 5000) in the 
app binary. For localization, it's better to move this dialog contents (the 
message string plus the OK button name) into a text file.
Group: netscapeconfidential?
Vishy - Why was this one minused? I thought we agreed to fix all hard coded
stuff. Please assign M0.9.1
nav triage team:

Daniel is this still an issue?
our non-platform-specific, localizable mechanism for resources assumes chrome 
and a bunch of other stuff got off the ground. Is it really unreasonable to 
have one or two platform-specific bootstrapping error strings localized in a 
platform-specific way?
Ray, can you comment on this bug please?
It seems laura was talking about alert in java script. I believe alert has been 
taken care of. Laura, can you verify your problem is still valid?
Keywords: nsBranch
Blocks: 99227
Marking nsbranch- as it was decided in the August bug triage that we wouldn't
have enough time in eMojo to fix this.  Let's revisit for MachV.
Keywords: nsbranch-
keyword nsbranch removed since it now has nsbranch-, per pdt mtg.
Keywords: nsbranch
No longer blocks: 99227
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
mac resources are localizable just not the mozilla way, marking wontfix
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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