Closed Bug 380367 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Pressing TAB after entering username/YahooID on Yahoo's Mail to go to password field crashes firefox


(Firefox :: General, defect)

2.0 Branch
Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: tim_freedom, Unassigned)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/

If I attempt to login to Yahoo mail and I press TAB after entering my username
(or YahooID), firefox crashes.  This doesn't happen 100% of the time but it does
happen often (I'd say 50-60% of the time).  The best way to replicate this is
simply to keep entering various strings in the YahooID field and then pressing
the TAB key (in order to go to the Password field) sooner rather than later the
firefox browser will crash.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to
2. Enter a string in the YahooID (ie. username) field
3. Press the TAB key (expecting to go to the password field)
4. Occassional failure/crash
Actual Results:  
Firefox crashes.

Expected Results:  
Firefox should not crash - if I use the mouse to move between username and password fields, I never saw craches.
Does this help?

If not, can you get us a TalkBackID for the firefox crash?
Version: unspecified → 2.0 Branch
Might be related to 356007. Can you reproduce the crash with a recent nightly build from
I enabled TalkBack and followed the outlined procedure to trigger the crash
yet TalkBack never "came on" post firefox crashing (I did/do see the usual
dialog with "Tell Microsoft about this problem" but nothing that prompts me
to mail the info back to mozilla).  I've made sure that TalkBack is enabled
(Tools->Add-ons->Talkback is enabled).  Do please let me know if I need to
do something special to get Talkback to function properly.

To address some of the other comments, I didn't see any mention of 'Yahoo'
in my "about:plugins" page.  A possible refinement to the "how to reproduce
this problem" would be that it seems that one should have been previously
logged into YahooMail for this problem to be easily reproducable.  In other
words, I've noticed that pressing TAB post entering the username on a firefox
session in which I hadn't logged into YahooMail seems to work OK yet post an
initial login and then a subsequent logout from YahooMail the problem is alot
easier to reproduce.

I'll look into the nightly builds next though I would have loved to see
TalkBack functioning properly.
Strange. Talkback should automagically run when firefox crashes.

Bug 356007 seems likely. If you are feeling daring, you can get RC 2 at
OK, after about 12 attempts (and failures) TalkBack finally triggered (not
sure why it didn't before) and I sent the back trace (the Incident ID is
'TB32040485Y' and I noted this bug number within the TalkBack comment field
for cross-reference).

I was also able to see microsoft generate a .dmp file in my user temp
directory (I'm guessing thats their equivallent to a 'core' file), so if
that would be helpful/useful I'd be more than glad to attach/mail that as

Feel free to let me know if you guys need anything else now that the talkback
info is at hand.
Thanks for the TalkBackID

Your crash is at nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered which means this bug is a dupe of bug 356007 and the problem should be fixed in firefox

Thanks for the report and the effort you put in tho!
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Ah good - this the least we can do to support our Open Source heros ;-)

BTW: do please consider including TalkBack's controls (enable, etc) within
     say Tools->Options->Advanced (or similar) to ease things instead of
     having people dig through the install directory (which I'm guessing
     will dismay lots of people from reporting bug properly and overburden
     the debuggers).

Go open source, linux et al and keep up the great work !!

Yeah, the thing with talkback is that mozilla don't have its source-code, and it hasn't been developed for years_ so nothing has been added or changed in it for years. But for firefox 3 a new crash agent is being written, and so should be able to do lots of nice things that talkback currently can't :)
Marking VERIFIED. I'm glad to see this got resolved and thank you for reporting this to us.
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