Closed Bug 380440 Opened 17 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Junk mail not moved to junk folder when run automatically


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/
Build Identifier: version (20070326)

Quite a while back my Thunderbird just stopped detecting spam automatically. When I run the filters manually, they work fine, but they just will not run automatically.

I attempted to follow various forum suggestions which ranged from compacting folders as well as deleting the msf files (which then get regenerated). None have worked.

Then Thunderbird's 2.0 was released and I hoped that would fix the problem, but alas, no, it still doesn't work.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Receive a new spam email
2. See it stay in the folder
3. Run the junk mail filters on the folder and see it marked as junk and then move off to the junk folder
Actual Results:  
It never gets flagged as junk until the filters are run manually

Expected Results:  
The filters are run on new messages
Do you ever mark anything as junk manually? If not, maybe this is bug 355197...
Version: unspecified → 2.0
I have trained it with both junk and non-junk, yes. I guess the easy differentiator from bug 355197 here is that when I run the junk mail controls on a folder, they work as expected (which would not be the case if it was not trained). The bug is that this doesn't happen when new mail arrives any more.
When the problem occurs, do you get anything interesting in the Error Console?
Nothing when I run the filters manually, no. After waiting for an email to turn up (so I get a new mail notification), I get nothing in the error console either.
I do have the same effects with
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9a6pre) Gecko/2007061216 Mnenhy/ SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre

However, only with IMAP folders which are not selected for offline use it does not work as expected.

It works as expected with IMAP folders which are selected for offline use. 

In my global Inbox in local folders which collects some email from POP servers it works as expected (junk/no junk is marked automatically).

You could say that it does not make sense marking a message without having downloaded it entirely (made it available for offline use) but that worked in former days. I think the downloaded message-headers were analyzed and this was actually mostly enough to evaluate whether the message was junk or not. 
Well, I tried making my inbox an offline folder, and this doesn't seem to have fixed things.
Hi !

I have the same issue as Jürgen too!

Till last week I had my mailbox as a POP3-box and git the mails there and sorted them into other folders. After the message filters were finished Thunderbird does junk-processing for all these folders where messages were sorted to (I think this was discussed and fixed - for POP! - in Bug 329569).

Now I needed to change my mail-account to IMAP.
So I have created a new account and duplicated all my message filters.

So the current effect is that the mails are sorted to the correct folders, but _no_ junk-processing happends automatically.
Not after finishing the message-filters and also not when I enter the folder.

I now have to do "Run junk controls for folder" from Tools menu to get rid of the junk mails.

So in my eyes it should work the same for POP messages and IMAP!
Assignee: mscott → nobody
I have this bug with on XP.

If I run the junk filters from the menu they work perfectly, messages are marked junk and moved to the junk folder.

Whenever new junk messages arrive (via pop) a few are marked junk, but most are not, and none are moved.

I have tried all the work rounds I can find. This seems to be a long standing bug going back for years but until recently it worked better for me. Some messages were automatic marked junk and moved. The rest I assumed were not detected, so I manually marked them junk. However, I think manually running the junk filter would also mark them junk.
Actually I seem to be getting two copies of most junk messages, one in the inbox and one in the junk. I.e. is seems like it gets marked and moved but leaves an unmarked version behind. Running junk filters marks and moves the second copy resulting in two identical items in the junk folder.
Blocks: junktracker
do you see this in version 3.1?
Summary: Junk mail filters not running automatically → Junk mail not moved to junk folder when run automatically
Whiteboard: closeme 2010-09-25
RESOLVED INCOMPLETE due to lack of response to previous question. If you feel this change was made in error, please respond to this bug with your reasons why.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
I must've missed the last message. Yes, I still get this behaviour with v3.1.4.
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Whiteboard: closeme 2010-09-25
I don't have this problem in current versions of Thunderbird
what is size and date of training.dat in your profile before you start thunderbird?  then again after you run thunderbird and do some training, and shut thunderbird down?

Apologies for the inactivity. I'd forgotten all about this bug...

Since the overhaul to v4 I don't seem to suffer this problem any more. I have new problems with RSS feeds refusing to update, but my junk seems to get filtered away fine now. Which is nice. 

My training.dat is 1.98MB for reference though.
great. thanks all for the feedback!
Closed: 14 years ago13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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