Closed Bug 381396 Opened 17 years ago Closed 13 years ago

with a new profile (or a new livemark) the first time we check the expired time, we get a warning


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: moco, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [code cleanup])

with a new profile (or a new livemark) the first time we check the expired time we assert.

WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed: file c:/builds/trunk-no-places
/mozilla/toolkit/components/places/src/nsAnnotationService.cpp, line 753

this is a trivial bug, but when there isn't a problem, we shouldn't warn or assert.

What's going on is:

nsAnnotationService::GetPageAnnotationInt64() calls StartGetAnnotationFromURI(); with livemark/expiration, but that annotation isn't in the db yet, so StartGetAnnotationFromURI() returns NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE (because hasResult is false).

Then in GetPageAnnotationInt64 we have NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv);

Note, the livemark service wraps it's call with try / catch, and in the catch:

"// This livemark has never been loaded, since it has no expire time."

in nsAnnotationService, other callers to StartGetAnnotationFromURI() just do:

if NS_FAILED(rv))
  return rv;

Perhaps we should do the same, but in StartGetAnnotationFromURI() if mDBGetAnnotationFromURI->ExecuteStep() fails, then we assert (but not if we just don't have any results).

here's a stack:

>	places.dll!nsAnnotationService::GetPageAnnotationInt64(nsIURI * aURI=0x03cbe528, const nsACString_internal & aName={...}, __int64 * _retval=0x0012e5a0)  Line 751 + 0x16 bytes	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!NS_InvokeByIndex_P(nsISupports * that=0x03d4e778, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000011, unsigned int paramCount=0x00000003, nsXPTCVariant * params=0x0012e580)  Line 102	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & ccx={...}, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode mode=CALL_METHOD)  Line 2245 + 0x1e bytes	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, JSObject * obj=0x00e4ec20, unsigned int argc=0x00000002, long * argv=0x048d800c, long * vp=0x0012e828)  Line 1467 + 0xe bytes	C++
 	js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, unsigned int argc=0x00000002, unsigned int flags=0x00000000)  Line 1332 + 0x20 bytes	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, unsigned char * pc=0x03bb223a, long * result=0x0012eee0)  Line 4025 + 0xf bytes	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, unsigned int argc=0x00000000, unsigned int flags=0x00000006)  Line 1351 + 0x13 bytes	C
 	js3250.dll!fun_apply(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, JSObject * obj=0x00e36740, unsigned int argc=0x00000000, long * argv=0x048d7f2c, long * rval=0x0012efa4)  Line 1703 + 0xf bytes	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, unsigned int argc=0x00000002, unsigned int flags=0x00000000)  Line 1332 + 0x20 bytes	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, unsigned char * pc=0x03ba6a21, long * result=0x0012f65c)  Line 4025 + 0xf bytes	C
 	js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x03ded740, unsigned int argc=0x00000001, unsigned int flags=0x00000002)  Line 1351 + 0x13 bytes	C
 	xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS * wrapper=0x03ccfa38, unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003, const XPTMethodDescriptor * info=0x03dc06b8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x0012f9c4)  Line 1419 + 0x14 bytes	C++
 	xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003, const XPTMethodDescriptor * info=0x03dc06b8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012f9c4)  Line 566	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x03caba00, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int * args=0x0012fa84, unsigned int * stackBytesToPop=0x0012fa74)  Line 114 + 0x21 bytes	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!SharedStub()  Line 142	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!nsTimerImpl::Fire()  Line 387	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!nsTimerEvent::Run()  Line 458	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(int mayWait=0x00000001, int * result=0x0012fb28)  Line 483	C++
 	xpcom_core.dll!NS_ProcessNextEvent_P(nsIThread * thread=0x00bad510, int mayWait=0x00000001)  Line 227 + 0x16 bytes	C++
 	gkwidget.dll!nsBaseAppShell::Run()  Line 154 + 0xc bytes	C++
 	tkitcmps.dll!nsAppStartup::Run()  Line 171 + 0x1c bytes	C++
 	xul.dll!XRE_main(int argc=0x00000003, char * * argv=0x00ba9830, const nsXREAppData * aAppData=0x004036e0)  Line 2824 + 0x25 bytes	C++
 	firefox.exe!main(int argc=0x00000003, char * * argv=0x00ba9830)  Line 65 + 0x13 bytes	C++
 	firefox.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 586 + 0x19 bytes	C
 	firefox.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 403	C
> Note, the livemark service wraps it's call with try / catch...

The livemark stuff was a straight port of the C++, but no excuses, that code is no good.

Why do we have getters that throw when they don't have a result? Why don't we just return null, and throw exceptions when something truly exceptional occurs?
Hear, hear -- or use undefined, if null is used for some defined state (or if undefined is more in keeping with other JS interfaces).

OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Whiteboard: [code cleanup]
Bug 451915 - move Firefox/Places bugs to Firefox/Bookmarks and History. Remove all bugspam from this move by filtering for the string "places-to-b-and-h".

In Thunderbird 3.0b, you do that as follows:
Tools | Message Filters
Make sure the correct account is selected. Click "New"
Conditions: Body   contains   places-to-b-and-h
Change the action to "Delete Message".
Select "Manually Run" from the dropdown at the top.
Click OK.

Select the filter in the list, make sure "Inbox" is selected at the bottom, and click "Run Now". This should delete all the bugspam. You can then delete the filter.

Component: Places → Bookmarks & History
QA Contact: places → bookmarks
we don't store anymore the expired time
Closed: 13 years ago
Depends on: livemarksIO
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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