Closed Bug 387741 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

can't change POP3 search folder in Search Messages dialog


(MailNews Core :: Search, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nelson, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regression)

Seen with Gecko/200707070202 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre

These problems occur intermittently, but (for me) with high frequency.
I can reproduce them at will, in at most 3 tries.

To reproduce these, you need a lot of folders and a LOT of subfolders
in a POP3 email account.  At least one of the parent folders should
have ONLY subfolders, and no messages directly in that folder.  

Go into the main mailnews window.  
Select a POP3 mail folder that is a subfolder of another folder.  
Then right click and select "Search Messages...".  
The "Search Messages" dialog appears.

In the drop-down list of folders with the label "Search for Messages in:",
click on the down arrow.  Move the mouse pointer to another folder in the
list.  Now, here are some sub-steps that lead to various problems:

1) Do the above steps, then move the mouse pointer up and down quickly 
through the list of folder names.  As you do so, the highlighted folder 
name will follow the mouse pointer.  But if you do it enough times (4-5) 
the highlight freezes on a particular folder and stops following the mouse 

2) Do the above steps, but in the main window, choose a subfolder of a 
parent folder that has no messages (in the parent), then right click 
and select "Search Messages".  Then in the Search Messages dialog, in the
drop-down list of folders, click the parent folder (that has no messages).
The folder will be selected, but the drop-down will not close, and then 
after that it will not be possible to select any other folder in the drop
down list.  It should be possible to choose a parent folder, even if it 
has no messages, so that you can search all its subfolders.  And after
selecting it, the drop down should close and proceed normally.
similar to what i've seen in thunderbird, where I simply can't pick certain imap folders - but I have no subfolders. also intermittent. ATM I'm drawing a blank of whether I see this on just trunk or 2.0.  

regression either way - some tree widget thing?
Keywords: regression
Phil, Magnus, does this bug need a better component?  note regression. doesn't seem like search-backend.
Nelson, does bug 351488 look to be the same?
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Using SM trunk Gecko/20080918002409, I can no longer reproduce any of the
symptoms I described above. Perhaps this was fixed by the fix for Bug 385536.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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