Open Bug 390028 Opened 17 years ago Updated 10 years ago

Improve SeaMonkey browser autocomplete RTL handling


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kairo, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: rtl)


(1 file)

In my WIP patch in bug 304309, I copied some RTL handling stuff from Firefox. I believe that's still good to have, but we should do this here in a separate place.
Attached patch patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
Here's the patch. All this is just copied from Firefox - I think we should improve RTL support where possible - this is probably not the last case where we shpould do such things.
Attachment #274350 - Flags: superreview?(neil)
Attachment #274350 - Flags: review?(neil)
(In reply to comment #1)
>I think we should improve RTL support where possible
Well SeaMonkey 1.x has no RTL support and even trunk only has support for *stripe global widgets (no support in Modern theme or in other packages).
True, but I really hope we can get RTL support working at least in the default theme.
With that, we can't support RTL localizations (they add their own, changed themes in their binaries on branch), and that would be a shame, IMHO.
Blocks: fx35-l10n-fa
No longer blocks: Persian-Fx3.5
Mass-assigning the new rtl keyword to RTL-related (see bug 349193).
Keywords: rtl
No longer blocks: Persian-Fx3.5, fx35-l10n-fa
Summary: Improve browser autocomplete RTL handling → Improve SeaMonkey browser autocomplete RTL handling
Blocks: Persian
QA Contact: ui-design
This bug is open but targeted for seamonkey2.0a1, which has been released a long time ago. Please set the target milestone to an appropriate value, "---" if it has no specific target.
Target Milestone: seamonkey2.0a1 → ---
Well, chromedir is obsolete on trunk, and nobody seems to care much about RTL in SeaMonkey anyhow, so getting rid of this bug and patch.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #274350 - Flags: superreview?(neil)
Attachment #274350 - Flags: review?(neil)
(In reply to comment #6)
> Well, chromedir is obsolete on trunk, and nobody seems to care much about RTL
> in SeaMonkey anyhow, so getting rid of this bug and patch.

I'm so sad to read this.  It's not that I _personally_ don't care about this, I just have very little time to contribute fixes to SeaMonkey.  However, I don't understand the reasoning behind dumping this bug/patch.  The patch needs to be updated to use :-moz-locale-dir.  It seems an easy job for this specific problem at least.

Oh, and I'm not sure about the status of Hebrew localization on SM2.x, but there used to be a Hebrew version for 1.1.x releases, so the l10n team might be considering updating their work to 2.0.x/trunk.

My proposal is to reopen this bug, and either let it sit there until someone steps up and takes over it, or updating the patch if someone has enough time to do so.
(In reply to comment #7)
> (In reply to comment #6)
> > Well, chromedir is obsolete on trunk, and nobody seems to care much about RTL
> > in SeaMonkey anyhow, so getting rid of this bug and patch.
> I'm so sad to read this.  It's not that I _personally_ don't care about this, I
> just have very little time to contribute fixes to SeaMonkey.  However, I don't
> understand the reasoning behind dumping this bug/patch.  The patch needs to be
> updated to use :-moz-locale-dir.  It seems an easy job for this specific
> problem at least.

If it's worth that, we can reopen the bug and let it hang around for that reason, but I think it really should have someone to actually test stuff, and I don't have the time and knowledge for that.

> Oh, and I'm not sure about the status of Hebrew localization on SM2.x, but
> there used to be a Hebrew version for 1.1.x releases, so the l10n team might be
> considering updating their work to 2.0.x/trunk.

The localizer who did that one has moved to only care about Firefox nowadays, and I'm pretty sure that 2.0.x state is not good in terms of RTL. We currently have no RTL language at all with anyone working on it.
I'd be very happy if someone would pick up one of those locales and help us test to get things in shape.

> My proposal is to reopen this bug, and either let it sit there until someone
> steps up and takes over it, or updating the patch if someone has enough time to
> do so.

We can do it if it's worth doing that.
Well, I personally think it's worth that, because some day some nice person might start working on an RTL localization for SeaMonkey, and at that at least a list of open RTL bugs for SeaMonkey would be useful.  Reopening based on this.
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Assignee: kairo → nobody
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