Closed Bug 394159 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Cannot move or remove the star button via customize toolbar


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: u88484, Unassigned)




(1 file)

The go button or the star button can not be removed without removing both of them.  We should be able to remove either or via customize toolbars.
Blocks: 385266
How do you remove the go button?
crap, I was tired last night when I thought I found this bug. Changing it to cannot remove the star button.  Need to be able to remove it if we want to.
Summary: Cannot remove the go button without removing the star button → Cannot remove the star button via customize toolbar
Should this be changed to “cannot move or remove” or something?
Summary: Cannot remove the star button via customize toolbar → Cannot move or remove the star button via customize toolbar
The first time I tried out Minefield with Place's star, the first thing I did was say to myself "Oh look, a new UI item has been added, I wonder how easy it is to remove? And CAN it be removed?". And *of course* the answer was "no".

I went on IRC and asked in the #Places room.
"Why would you want to do that?" was the reply. Typical!
The answer could be simply "it's more 'clutter' that shortens the visible portion of the URL", or "because I want to use Firefox in 'kiosk' mode, did you consider that?" or even "because I don't really use bookmarks often anyway, and when I'm looking for something I use Google, AutoComplete, or 'History'[better yet, 'Enhanced History Manager']". Or of course the obvious "I like to control the way my browser looks, I chose Firefox because it's *meant to be* a highly-customizable browser".

It seems we go through this almost every new release with one thing or another. Check all the "How to/how do I remove the 'Go' button?" questions,blog posts and messageboard posts that popped up when Firefox2 came out:

Asaf,  after much pre-release complaining, there was eventually a 'hidden pref' added to the Fx2 about:config called "browser.urlbar.hideGoButton". You could alternatively add some code to your userchrome.css to hide the offending button (the search box's mandatory magnifying-glass 'submit' button can be removed via userchrome, too). Or you could (eventually) track down an extension or 2 that would do the trick, but it seems overkill to use an extension for something so simple.

However, the hidden pref trick does not work in Minefield - it was removed. Why?-- I assume the answer is that devs always say: "hidden-prefs are "bad".

I agree, prefs shouldn't be hidden--they should be DISCOVERABLE! Using the "Customize (Toolbar)" command and drag'n'drop palette is the provided method to customize this area of the UI and so it's only logical that it be used to set the show/hide prefs of these buttons. I take it that the current 'integrated' UI of the addressbar/star/go buttons is now a *requirement* (I'll admit, it does look nice integrated). So if it's not possible/not easy to program a drop-an-item-into-another container for these buttons, then the next most logical choice to me at least is to add a toggle-pref for each to the Customize Toolbar palette.

I've added a mockup graphic to show how it might look.
is it even possible to hide it at the moment?
would drag and drop be possible?
id also like to have options to remove all drop arrows
Resolving invalid now that these are not end caps and are now part of the location bar...I don't think these need to be removed now, ever.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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