Closed Bug 39965 Opened 25 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Layout should permit pluggable support for new frame types


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)






(Reporter: endico, Unassigned)



(Keywords: helpwanted)

[10:46:24] <shaver> it would be a week's work, tops, to make mathML and SVG
pluggable, I think
[10:46:37] <shaver> (transformiix already is, I think)
[10:47:06] <shaver> hyatt, waterson, brendan, blizzard, me -- we all know how to
do it
[10:47:10] <shaver> it's not rocket science
[10:47:19] <dawn> i thought the layout engine needed redesigning to allow
[10:47:30] <shaver> depends how loose you want the coupling
[10:47:49] <shaver> there would still be some binary dependencies
[10:48:04] <shaver> (on a common library, which contained the base frame
stuff)[10:48:25] <shaver> but it would mean that people would at least have the
_choice_ to build plugins that might break with the next release
[10:48:46] <shaver> and we could build and ship svg.xpi, mathml.xpi, etc.
[10:48:56] <shaver> (which would be guaranteed to match, binary-wise0
[10:49:50] <dawn> that would be a lot better than building xpi's that completely
replace the layout libs
[10:50:09] <shaver> yes
[10:50:15] <shaver> because we could mix and match
[10:50:28] <shaver> I should write up a bug, with our combined knowledge of how
to attack the problem
[10:50:31] <dawn> combining mathml and svg would rock so much
[10:52:21] <shaver> dawn: could you file a bug, against me, cc:ing hyatt and
waterson and brendan and blizzard?
[10:52:41] <shaver> "Layout should permit pluggable support for new
frame/content types"
[10:52:56] <shaver> mention that I should dump my brain there
[10:53:41] <dawn> shaver: if you dump your brain there can i copy and sell it?
[10:54:09] <shaver> dawn: we'll need to figure out the royalty terms, but I'm a
reasonable man
So here's how I'd do it:

- Move all the core frame and content stuff into, which would be
a library and not a component (like libxpcom).  We could even move all of the
current non-XUL/MathML/SVG/XBL stuff into the library, since we're not doing
this to reduce binary dependence.
- Teach nsCSSFrameConstructor to dispatch to a frame factory based on the
namespace of the element
- Make frame factories for XUL, HTML (a thin layer around the library), XBL,
SVG, etc. that register in the frame-factory category for their namespaces

This wouldn't really reduce binary dependencies at all -- if someone makes a
change to nsFrame, the previous day's XUL plugin will crash all over -- but it
would at least allow us to be modular.  And if someone wanted to trade space for
binary independence, they could pull all the frame goop into
Blocks: 43121
Summary: Layout should permit pluggable support for new frame/content types → Layout should permit pluggable support for new frame types
Adjusting summary.  Layout does permit support for pluggable content types.
adding helpwanted keyword
Keywords: helpwanted
Adding that this bug blocks bug 33339 - HTML <RUBY> support
Blocks: ruby
We all know what a joke it is, but I'll accept this to keep terry's bot from
spamming me.
Who's a lazy quitter? _I_'m a lazy quitter.

(We all knew that waterson was going to end up doing the heavy lifting here,
didn't we?)
Assignee: shaver → waterson
Keywords: mozilla0.9
See also bug 51684
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Who am I kidding.
Assignee: waterson → buster
Build reassigning Buster's bugs to Marc.
Assignee: buster → attinasi
Pluggable frame/content types are important for using
the Mozilla architecture in independent projects.  Thus one could write new
objects for custom functionality, and wrap them in XUL for the UI.

I am fairly new to the project, but I would be willing to code some of this,
given the proper guidance.  What do you think of having namespaces register some
sort of nsIFrameFactory, just as we currently have nsIElementFactory?

I think this should have 'embed' keyword, but I don't have privs for that.
Blocks: 192409
This came up again in bug 184746
Assignee: attinasi → misc
Blocks: dbaron
Component: Layout → Layout: Misc Code
OS: Linux → All
Priority: P3 → --
QA Contact: petersen → nobody
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → Future
No longer blocks: dbaron
Blocks: dbaron
Now formats like XForms can be implemented as extension, what is the status of
this bug?
Assignee: layout.misc-code → nobody
QA Contact: nobody → layout.misc-code
I don't think this bug is relevant anymore.  It seems the project has
moved in the opposite direction by making most features non-optional.
Removing --disable-mathml in bug 660762 as an example.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Component: Layout: Misc Code → Layout
Product: Core Graveyard → Core
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