Closed Bug 401560 Opened 17 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Should ssl indicators disappear on location-bar-edit?


(Firefox :: Security, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: johnath, Unassigned)


In bug 395174, a couple people voiced the idea that typing in the location bar should clear the identity information (since it is no longer true for the displayed URL, though it is still true for the displayed page in the content area).  This looked weird, since the yellow background for ssl connections, and the status bar indications, were not being cleared either - there doesn't seem to be a precedent in firefox for reacting to URL bar input that way.

Rather than blocking bug 395174, which was originally just about the identity *popup* with this discussion, I've added a patch there which only addresses the original issue, and filed this follow-up for further discussion of the proposed general principle.
Wouldn't this make the URL shift when you click on the address bar?
(In reply to comment #1)
> Wouldn't this make the URL shift when you click on the address bar?

On input, probably, not focus, but yeah, the jumpiness is why I didn't want to do it as part of bug 395174, because I found it sort of jarring.
(From bug 395174 comment #8 & #9)
When edit begins, hide the contents of the identity box but leave the box's dimensions unchanged. (text colour set to background colour?) When edit ends, if the URL is unchanged then restore the contents else hide the box and let the new page load.  This would avoid any jumpiness.

This was fixed sometime between when this bug was filed and now.
I can't find what the exact bug that changed this was, so resolving as WFM for now.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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