Closed Bug 405218 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

bug 398020 breaks VeriSign EV Green Bar Extension


(Firefox :: Toolbars and Customization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: wgianopoulos, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression)

The check-in for bug 398020 breaks the VeriSign EV Green Bar Extension.

Or, more correctly it causes the extension to break the browser.

This results in the URL in the locationbar not updating when switching tabs and also in session restore not being able to restore the tabs upon browser restart.

The error console displays:

Error: container is null
Source file: chrome://evcextension/content/securitylabel.js
Line: 125
VeriSign EV Green Bar Extension is an extension made for Firefox 2. Trunk is
always a moving target, and it's not surprising that a Location Bar extension
breaks as we change the structure of the Location Bar.
So that's happening because we've removed "urlbar-button-box". Not a bug.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
I was kind of saying the same thing but mid-air collided with you. I only filed the bug because I did not know how to report this issue to Verisign and was afraid they might think we broke their extension on purpose or something.

The extension was coded badly in the first place as it seems it had theme dependencies but did not say it required the default theme or might break your browser.

One might wonder how this made it past the AMO testing.
Maybe VeriSign won't even try to update that extension for Fx3 as it's going to have an EV UI built-in.
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