Open Bug 409850 Opened 17 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Non-standard handling of punctuation when using alt+left / alt+right keyboard navigation.


(Core :: DOM: Selection, defect, P5)





(Reporter: web, Unassigned)



User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9b2) Gecko/2007121014 Firefox/3.0b2
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9b2) Gecko/2007121014 Firefox/3.0b2

The text fields in Firefox (both single and multi-line form fields) treat punctuation differently than standard Mac text fields (e.g. in TextEdit).  The cursor stops in different places when using the alt+left arrow and alt+right arrow keyboard shortcuts.

For example, in the following sentence, the apostrophe in "it's" is treated a word break, and the exclamation point following "bug" is treated as part of the word.

It's a bug!  Maybe.
    . .   .       .    Mac standard ->
   .. .    .       .   Firefox ->
.    . .     .         Mac standard <-
.  . . .     .         Firefox <-

(periods represent the cursor stopping to the left of the corresponding character)

This may be related to bugs #392809, #385565, or #407155.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Confirming, although it's strange that this was apparently never reported before. This is not a trunk regression.
Blocks: word-select
Component: Form Manager → Selection
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: form.manager → selection
Version: unspecified → Trunk
We've never tried to get exact platform behaviour for word selection. I suppose we could try that as a project for the future.
It would be nice, only because it's one of those things that you stop thinking about and just kind of instinctively expect.  It's surprising when it's different, because the text box seems the same as any other Mac text box.
This also happens under Linux. I have SeaMonkey and Firefox and both are hosed. It is particularly annoying because the behavior differs depending on the direction of selection (left to right selection of words separated by commas selects all those words because the words "end" with that comma, in the other direction, it does select as expected since the commas are "on the other side".)

All the other software never does that and it was working find before so it changed "recently" (4 to 6 months maybe? it has been a little while now.)

I certainly hope a fix will be applied in future versions.

Bulk-downgrade of unassigned, >=5 years untouched DOM/Storage bugs' priority.

If you have reason to believe this is wrong (especially for the severity), please write a comment and ni :jstutte.

Severity: normal → S4
Priority: -- → P5
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