Closed Bug 412427 Opened 17 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Filter of Copy + Tag on POP3 account doesn't Copy


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: paolo.marini, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20071127 Firefox/
Build Identifier: version (20071031)

I have a simple filter on a POP/POP3 account which initially was set to Move to another account's inbox folder. Since it wasn't working I tried the following variants but noe of them will actually move or copy the message, only tag it:
Tag + Move
Tag + Copy

My need is simply to simulate a Global inbox folder whereas all new incoming messages are redirected/moved to a different folder of my choice.


Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. define filter on POP3 account (for all messages in inbox) to Tag and Copy
2. send test message
3. message is not copied
Actual Results:  
message is tagged but not copied

Expected Results:  
message should be tagged and copied
I did some more testing and found that the issue is with the target folder, not the source one.
If I copy (right-click , Copy To) the message to a Local Folder or to a different folder than the inbox on the usual IMAP account, then it's there...
What am I doing wrong ? Can't I move/copy stuff to an IMAP inbox folder ?

On a somewhat unrelated subject, if a message is digitally signed, it won't open if I send it to a Yahoo account, even though I am opening it via Thunderbird, should I log a different Bug for this, or is it a Yahoo issue ?

Can you try to separate tag and copy? 
Meaning to create a filter only for copy and see how it does. Seams the bug summary and issue are different after your comment 1.
even a simple *copy* doesn't work (see the first line of the 3 in the description)

indeed it now seem related to the target folder, so the question is: how do I copy messages to an inbox folder ? (I haven't tried with a POP one, but IMAP doesn't work) is this a limitation of the IMAP protocol or a bug in Thunderbird ?

Paolo, do you still see this problem with 2.0.x?  With beta?

xref bug 388055
Component: General → Filters
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
QA Contact: general → filters
The symptoms of this bug match fairly closely bug 497622, so I would suggest a dupe. That is, there were issues in copying from POP3 to IMAP that have now been fixed.
(In reply to comment #5)
> The symptoms of this bug match fairly closely bug 497622, so I would suggest a
> dupe. That is, there were issues in copying from POP3 to IMAP that have now
> been fixed.

We'll dup it if paolo confirms.
Fine by me Ludovic, this was logged a very long time ago and in the meantime I changed a few TB installations (I did take backups of the TB profiles, but never had the time to restore them... silly, I know...) so I haven't really used that rule/filter since mid-2008...
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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