Closed Bug 426835 Opened 17 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Link to identity intro page from Larry popup


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: johnath, Unassigned)



Bug 426673 is tracking the creation of a page that explains the Identity UI in Firefox 3.  Once it exists, we should link to it from the larry dialog, probably using a small '?' icon in a corner of the popup panel.

I'm not sure this blocks, but it's a very nice-to-have and, assuming the page goes live, should be low risk.
Flags: blocking-firefox3?
Depends on: 426673
This is potentially late-l10n, and might impact the schedule of getting the help content localized.

David, do we have content on larry included in the in-product help content already?

I'm not sure if the dependency wrt bug 426673 is the other way around, too.
Keywords: late-l10n
We don't have an in-product help article about Larry. That page in bug 426673 seems like content that would be an equally nice fit on SUMO, but I'm assuming we want it on for presentation/style reasons?

Fwiw, SUMO should have a general security tutorial in time for the Firefox 3 release, and even individual articles for each security feature like the phishing protection, Larry, etc. However, it would be too late imo to include that in the list of in-product articles to be localized. 
I'll post links to the icons as soon as they have landed.
Blocks: 425582
This bug is not late-l10n, we would use the URL localizing service to get a localized version of the URL automatically generated for us, and the button will have no text.

It also doesn't block.
Flags: wanted-firefox3+
Flags: blocking-firefox3?
Flags: blocking-firefox3-
Keywords: late-l10n
Did we ever get this page created?
No longer blocks: 425582
(In reply to comment #5)
> Did we ever get this page created?

The page exists, the link from the popup does not.
This got lost, a possible polish bug for 3.1?
This could be presented to the user in a similar manner to the know your rights bar. Or better, featured on the first run page.
Per policy at If this bug is not an enhancement request or a bug not present in a supported release of Firefox, then it may be reopened.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
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