Closed Bug 429374 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

tighter integration between emails and tasks


(Calendar :: Lightning Only, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: eu, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [parity-outlook])

Currently Lighting can create tasks from emails, which essentially makes copies of email content. It would be more elegant to add task-related attributes right into email itself, allowing any imap-based storage to be a task list. Additional advantage is that would make task attributes visible on emails messages, e.g. notes, reminders, due dates, etc.
Hello, isn't there a task -> mail conversion ? This is exactly that you are describing or am I wrong ?
No, I wasn't asking about creating emails from tasks or any other sorts of copies. Instead of creating copies it should be possible to store task attributes right into email messages. Then you can easily respond to them, send followups, forward or move, and if you want even create copies.
So you think about something like this extension?

But the notes that are added are actually tasks ?
Again, no. No need any sticky notes. The task/event information could go into the email header area, and the task details would be essentially the email body.

Currently when you receive event or meeting invitation by email, Thunderbird + Lighting is offering to add it to the calendar, essentially creating a copy of the email, e.g. I can't even see task detail in the same way I saw the invitation email and if I get back to the invitation email I can't tell if task been added or not or if its time been moved already. It would be much more intuitive and convenient to see those details right in the originating email message.
This would be equivalent to the Outlook's "follow-up" flags on emails (which I agree is very nice).
Ever confirmed: true
Hardware: PC → All
Whiteboard: [parity-outlook]
I'd love to see some screenshots of what you mean exactly, or maybe even a proposal for Lightning.
Keywords: uiwanted
Looks like bug 457177.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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