Closed Bug 438747 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

[Redesign] build list of changes that need to be made during downtime


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: brian, Assigned: brian)




(Whiteboard: sumo_only theme)

There are a lot of tikiwiki things that will need to be changed as the new site goes live, I need a comprehensive list of them to minimize downtime. They are: - Add new modules - Relink all modules such that every one has a "theme" variable (lots of duplication!) - Setup new themes (are these auto-detected) - Link themes correctly (mozms goes to too much, need to link new themes, etc) - Change some tikiwiki pages (homepage, 2 dynamic contents for homepage, live chat, etc)
Here's what I currently have: *********** MODULES *********** INVESTIGATE IF LOGGED IN ISSUES EXIST FOR contrib_tools WITH theme=?? POSSIBLY USER theme=!moz**.css TO REMOVE THINGS FROM HOMEPAGE! make the following theme=mozkb.css - freetags_morelikethis - freetags_current - mozilla_morehelp - contrib_tools - translation Assign to theme=mozad.css - contrib_tools - translation Assign to theme=mozlc.css - mozilla_morehelp create thunderbird: <span class="title">Thunderbird</span> Looking for Thunderbird<br />support? <br /><a href="">Learn More</a> create improve: <span class="title">Improve the Knowledge Base</span> Did you know that most of the content on was written by volunteers?<br /> <a href="/kb/How+to+contribute">Find out how you can help</a> Assign both to mozms.css, improve to mozih.css Delete chat_button Edit Help_live_chat: <div class="module">Our Live Chat volunteers are regular Firefox users like you!</div> <div class="module">__((Helping with Live Chat|Click here)) to learn more about how you can help, too.__</div> <div class="module">Not sure you want to help with Live Chat? ((Contributor Home Page|Click here)) to find out the other ways you can help users through our site.</div> Create new_questions (New Questions) & assign to mozfh: <span class="title">New Questions</span> Can't find the answer? You can ask a new question in the forum. <a href="tiki-login_scr.php">Log in</a> to view previously asked questions, or <a href="tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1">browse all discussions</a>. <br /> <a class="arrow" href="tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1&openpost=1">Ask a new question</a> ************** CATEGORIES ************** Rename Administration to How to Contribute ********* THEMES ********* Disable transition CSS Relink How to Contribute to mozad.css Link Firefox Support Home Page to mozms.css ******* PAGES ******* Edit Firefox Support Home Page (leave tr stuff at top): {DIV(id=>mainpagecontainer)} {DIV(id=>mostpopular)} !!Popular Support Articles {content id=9} {DIV(class=>morearticles)} {DIV} {DIV} {DIV(id=>newtofirefox)} !!New to Firefox? {DIV(id=>subtitle)}These articles will get you started and browsing like a pro!{DIV} {content id=69} {DIV} {DIV} Remove from Firefox Help: ((Ask a question)) ((Other Firefox Support)) Edit Support Website Forums: {DIV(id=>mainpagecontainer)} {DIV(id=>mostpopular)} !!Most Recently Answered {MODULE(module=>forums_last_topics,decorations=>n,nonums=>y,lastreplied=>y,rows=>10,forumId=>1)/} {DIV} {DIV(id=>newtofirefox)} !!Most Popular Threads {MODULE(module=>forums_most_read_topics,decorations=>n,nonums=>y,rows=>10,forumId=>1)/} {DIV} {DIV} ********************* DYNAMIC CONTENT ********************* Add "* " to each item for id 9, 21, 22, 69 For id 5 (both) make sat/sun look like mon-fri
Do we have an IT bug/request created for the migration?
Bug 439509
(In reply to comment #3) > Bug 439509 > Cc please :)
Built, executed, awesome :)
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Great job everyone!
Target Milestone: 1.1 → 1.0
Target Milestone: 1.0 → ---
Whiteboard: sumo_only theme
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