Closed Bug 445063 Opened 16 years ago Closed 13 years ago

The OJI Java plug-in is recognized by mozilla products built with --disable-oji


(Core Graveyard :: Java: Live Connect, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wgianopoulos, Assigned: jst)



(Keywords: regression)

Since the check-in of the code for bug 435334, Mozilla not only recognizes the new non OJI Java plug-in, but also recognizes the old OJI based plug-in as well.

It would seem to be desirable NOT to recognize the OJI based plugin if Mozilla is built without OJI support as it quite obviously will fail to function.
Flags: blocking1.9.1?
Under Linux with an AMD 64 processor this problem is even more severe. Any attempt to use a Java enabled website with the OJI plugin results in a browser crash.
(In reply to comment #1)
> Under Linux with an AMD 64 processor this problem is even more severe. Any
> attempt to use a Java enabled website with the OJI plugin results in a browser
> crash.

It appears it does not relaly crash, but exits with the following messages:

INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the JVM manager
System error?:: Resource temporarily unavailable
Johnny, do you have time to look at this? It's a regression from your patch on bug 435334.
Assignee: nobody → jst
Keywords: regression
Assignee: jst → nobody
Component: Plug-ins → Java: Live Connect
QA Contact: plugins → live-connect
Assignee: nobody → jst
This is a non-issue at this moment as we build with OJI enabled again, but once we disable it again (and once n' for all) we'll have to revisit this issue.
You are right. Lets make this bug block bug 442399 which handles that.
Blocks: 442399
Not blocking on this.
Flags: blocking1.9.1? → blocking1.9.1-
This is a dupe of bug 233323, and the reason that Thunderbird 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 all shipped with --disable-plugins (since *we* don't build with OJI enabled), isn't it? Does that mean that unless we disable plugins yet again for 3.0, we'll be crashing like bug 223600 and bug 289126 yet again, despite the assurances in bug 233600 that Java 1.5.0 would solve all?
(In reply to comment #7)
> This is a dupe of bug 233323, and the reason that Thunderbird 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0
> all shipped with --disable-plugins (since *we* don't build with OJI enabled),
> isn't it? Does that mean that unless we disable plugins yet again for 3.0,
> we'll be crashing like bug 223600 and bug 289126 yet again, despite the
> assurances in bug 233600 that Java 1.5.0 would solve all?

This does not seem to be a dupe of bug 233323.  Bug 233323 says that if you build Thunderbird with plugin support, and the java oji plugin is present it will crash upon startup.

The issue here is different.  Everything works fine until you actually try to use the plugin to load or execute a JAVA applet.
Where does it say anything about startup? The word "start" doesn't appear anywhere in bug 233323, nor does anyone in either of the Thunderbird bugs say anything about crashing at startup, only while displaying particular emails with unhandled content-types.
(In reply to comment #9)
> Where does it say anything about startup? The word "start" doesn't appear
> anywhere in bug 233323, nor does anyone in either of the Thunderbird bugs say
> anything about crashing at startup, only while displaying particular emails
> with unhandled content-types.

Well then I guess perhaps this is the same issue.
Depends on: 233323
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Firefox code moved from custom Liveconnect code to the NPAPI/NPRuntime bridge a while back. Mass-closing the bugs in the liveconnect component which are likely invalid. If you believe that this bug is still relevant to modern versions of Firefox, please reopen it and move it the "Core" product, component "Plug-Ins".
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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