Closed Bug 450011 Opened 16 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Shift+Spacebar doesn't work when current keyboard layout is Thai


(Firefox :: Keyboard Navigation, defect)

3.0 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: arthit, Unassigned)


in Mac OS X 10.4,

Shift + Spacebar is expected to do page up.
But if keyboard layout is Thai, it will not work (nothing happen).

Spacebar alone, for page down, is working fine in any keyboard layout.

for comparison, this issue doesn't occur in Ubuntu Linux 8.04.1

ref: (in Thai)
this same issue occurs in Mac OS X 10.5.4
this bug still occurs in Firefox 3.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.5.5
Same issue in Firefox 3.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.4.11
I'm sorry I duplicated this (I should have searched with “layout” instead of scroll and space).
I have the same issue in Ubuntu with a certain number of layouts. See bug 479942:
Can someone check whether bug 479942 patch fixes this bug too ?
Depends on: 479942
firefox 4b6 ,Windows7 
Shift + Spacebar is expected to do page up both Thai and Eng keyboard layout.
What is inputted by Shift+Space by Thai keyboard layout on Mac? If non-space character such as non-break-space is inputted on editor, this is a dup of bug 479942.
(In reply to comment #7)
> What is inputted by Shift+Space by Thai keyboard layout on Mac? If non-space
> character such as non-break-space is inputted on editor, this is a dup of bug
> 479942.

yes. this is a duplicate of bug 479942
(In reply to comment #7)
> What is inputted by Shift+Space by Thai keyboard layout on Mac? If non-space
> character such as non-break-space is inputted on editor, this is a dup of bug
> 479942.

sorry. wait. i've tested, and it looks like it shift-space produces just a plain space.

i opened TextEdit in Mac OS X,
1) pressed Shift-Space one time,
2) pressed Option-Space on time.
and saved the file as 'a.txt'

iconv -f utf-8 -t java a.txt > b.txt

in 'b.txt', i had:

' \u00a0'

so Shift-Space produces ' ',
and Option-Space produces '\u00a0' - non-break-space.
Hmm, okay, I'll check it on debug build why this case doesn't work fine.
When the keyboard input is Thai, and you press shift+space, this demo shows the black-diamond-with-a-question-mark icon instead of space.

However, space by itself, or other space combinations work just fine.
mine got Shity+[NOTHING] on Mac OS X 10.6.5, Firefox (Thai L10n) 4 b8pre
I've tried more

On Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110207 Firefox/4.0b12pre

US Keyboard

Current key: Shift+Space
Current code: 32
X is down: false
Shift-X is down: false
Shift-C is down: false
Ctrl-A is down: false
Raw keycode: 32

Thai Keyboard

Current key: Shift+
Current code: 0
X is down: false
Shift-X is down: false
Shift-C is down: false
Ctrl-A is down: false
Raw keycode: 0

On Safari

US Keyboard

Current key: Shift+Space
Current code: 32
X is down: false
Shift-X is down: false
Shift-C is down: false
Ctrl-A is down: false
Raw keycode: 32

Thai Keyboard

Current key: Shift+Space
Current code: 32
X is down: false
Shift-X is down: false
Shift-C is down: false
Ctrl-A is down: false
Raw keycode: 32
I confirmed that this is a dup of bug479942.
No longer blocks: thai
Closed: 13 years ago
No longer depends on: 479942
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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