Closed Bug 45567 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

separate user stylesheets for chrome and document


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: fantasai.bugs, Assigned: hyatt)


Request to separate user stylesheet for chrome and external document.

<BLOCKQUOTE cite="">
<!-- fantasai. "Re: user stylesheet". June 26, 2000. -->

On a related slant, there should be two user.css files--one for the
chrome, and one for the document(s) being viewed. The latter would
correspond to the user stylesheet defined in CSS2:6.4, and like the
document loaded into Mozilla, nothing in this file may directly
access the chrome. (Similarly, the file for the chrome should not
be able to directly access any elements on the loaded document.)
This not only gives the stylesheet writer the freedom to apply the
global selector to documents, but also makes the user stylesheet 
more accessible and easier to use; the writer does not need to worry 
about affecting the chrome, and thus anyone who can write a stylesheet
for an HTML file can edit their own user stylesheet for Mozilla.
I think this is a good idea, although it might be difficult.  Marking confirmed.
Ever confirmed: true
QA Contact: chrisd → py8ieh=bugzilla
I just fixed this in 43220... didn't notice there was a separate bug.  Pierre, 
I'm taking this and resolving it as fixed.  I assume that's ok, since I followed 
your directions (to split the files into userChrome.css and userContent.css) 
over in 43220.

Assignee: pierre → hyatt
fixed when i checked in stuff under 43220.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The userContent stylesheet is still allowed to style scrollbars with *. 
Otherwise, I'm quite impressed. :)

Testcase: add "* {background-color: red}" to userContent.css and open up the URL 
in bug 21890.

[OT] BTW, I just opened up bug 21890's testcase in a May build--as noted, the 
textarea scrollbars weren't styled. They /were/ styled in a July build. Rather 
curious, if y'ask me.
Technically speaking, userContent stylesheets _are_ allowed to style anonymous
scrollbars that are around the content, because technically speaking those
scrollbars are children of a content node. So that's not actually a bug.
Anyway, it's a userstylesheet, so anything goes in that respect. ;-)
Keywords: vtrunk
 > Technically speaking, userContent stylesheets _are_ allowed to style  
 > anonymous scrollbars that are around the content, because technically 
 > speaking those scrollbars are children of a content node.

And technically speaking, one shouldn't have fixed bug 21890?
After all, the scrollbars are children of a content node, and the author has 
control of the content.

 > So that's not actually a bug.

All right, then I'll feature-request that this behavior be changed so I can put 
* {background-color: white !important} in my stylesheet without coloring the 
scrollbars. >:)
You have to make the distinction between "explicit content" and XBL "anonymous
content", and even further, the distinction between anonymous content and walled
off anonymous content.

The scrollbars are walled off anonymous content. Author styles should not affect
those. User stylesheets are made godlike, and can therefore style everything.

To colour only part of the content, i.e., the explicit content but not the
walled off anonymous content (which might include author generated stuff, btw,
which is why user style is made godlike with respect to it) you would have to
edit your skin's scrollbar stylesheet and add in some !important marks.
Hixie, do you think we should add a "applyuserstyles" bool as well to XBL to 
enable us to turn off user sheets?
No. That would allow authors to bind the HTML element and import styles on that,
thus taking full control of the document's cascade.

That is an absolute must not happen.
Ok, I don't claim to understand completely, but I'll take your word for it. :)
I've been using this sucessfully for a while now. VERIFIED.
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