Closed Bug 45918 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Cookie setting not checked in bugzilla


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect, P3)




Bugzilla 2.14


(Reporter: jms, Assigned: justdave)





(1 file)

If I have disabled cookies, I get problems with the login or 
with changing passwords. For example, the system let me change 
my password, but afterwards, it is not changed.
Server should check if client browser allows cookies.
Wrong component.
Component: Server Operations → Bugzilla
Product: → Webtools
And wrong owner.
Assignee: rko → endico
reassigning to cyeh who is more aware of recent bugzilla changes. It seems
that something has broken cookieless operation. I never work that way so 
I'm not sure when it broke. 
Assignee: endico → cyeh
Whiteboard: 2.14
moving to real milestones...
Whiteboard: 2.14
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.14
ok, disabled cookies and logged out.  testing...
It let me make a comment...  made me log in again in the process of posting it.

I then went to my email prefs and changed my password.  This worked fine, too.  
Although there is a catch to it.  When you click the button to go to your prefs, 
you get prompted to log in.  So I do, then I get the form with the old password, 
new password, etc.  Fill that out, hit Commit, and I get prompted to log in 
again.  I have to log in one more time USING THE OLD PASSWORD in order for it to 
connect to change my password.  Once that's been done, it does indeed change to 
the one you put on the form.

This bug, as written, is WORKSFORME.  However...  it would be WAY less confusing, 
since the user *is* putting in their old password on that page, to use the old 
password field in order to log in, for that one time, instead of prompting for 
redundant information again.  That might be a tall order, though, because of the 
way the security system is designed.  Anyone have any comments?
QA Contact: endico → matty
I think using the old password to log in isn't a bad idea.  It should be
possible to put the user name that was used to login in order to view the pref
page in a hidden form element for the other half of the authentication. 
However, I'd think that could be pushed back to 2.16.
Attached patch Patch (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attached a patch to userprefs.cgi which implements using the old password field 
from the "change password" form to log you back in, skipping the redundant 
password screen.  This was easier to implement than it sounded.  Just changed the 
name of the old password field from "oldpwd" to "Bugzilla_password" and added a 
hidden field called "Bugzilla_login" with the user's email address.  Since those 
are the same tokens used by the real login form, Confirm_login() thinks that's 
where you just came from and sends you right on through.
Assignee: Chris.Yeh → justdave
Keywords: patch, review
This looks reasonable and didn't break anything when I tried it.

checked in.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Moving to Bugzilla product
Component: Bugzilla → Bugzilla-General
Product: Webtools → Bugzilla
Version: other → unspecified
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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