Closed Bug 461391 Opened 16 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Memory leak during TopSite Test on


(Core :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: cbook, Unassigned)




(Keywords: memory-leak, regression)

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081018 Firefox/3.1b2pre

Found during the automated Global-500 Topsite Test on

I have not seen this on the 1.9.0 Testrun, so adding the regression and blocking keyword

== BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK STATISTICS

                                              Per-Inst   Leaked    Total      Rem      Mean       StdDev     Total      Rem      Mean       StdDev
   0 TOTAL                                          21       96 43343416        2 ( 5536.14 +/-  2694.61) 34131931        2 ( 2719.54 +/-  4593.33)
 690 nsStorageStream                                48       96       92        2 (   44.77 +/-    25.28)      608        2 (   45.54 +/-    24.90)

nsTraceRefcntImpl::DumpStatistics: 860 entries
 => mAllocCount:         403102
 => mReallocCount:        72699
 => mFreeCount:          403102
 => mShareCount:         418425
 => mAdoptCount:          51952
 => mAdoptFreeCount:      51952 EXIT STATUS: NORMAL (942.743194 seconds)
Flags: blocking1.9.1?
Not leaking any documents/windows so not blocking
Flags: blocking1.9.1? → blocking1.9.1-
I was able to reproduce this Leak with Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3pre) Gecko/20081229 Firefox/3.1b3pre

Steps to reproduce:
-> Load
-> Wait a second till some of the Images are loaded
-> Quit Firefox
--> Leak

recorder: started(28), aborted(18), completed(22), different header(0), trees trashed(0), slot promoted(0), unstable loop variable(0), breaks(0), returns(0), unstableInnerCalls(0)
monitor: triggered(612), exits(612), type mismatch(0), global mismatch(92)

== BloatView: ALL (cumulative) LEAK STATISTICS

                                              Per-Inst   Leaked    Total      Rem      Mean       StdDev     Total      Rem      Mean       StdDev
   0 TOTAL                                          23     4423  1145196       77 ( 2077.75 +/-  1845.67)  1998607       80 ( 1762.51 +/-  2806.76)
  66 StringAdopt                                     1        3     2250        3 (    3.68 +/-     0.97)        0        0 (    0.00 +/-     0.00)
 106 mozStorageConnection                           84      168        9        2 (    5.00 +/-     2.42)      239        7 (   77.85 +/-    38.02)
 108 mozStorageService                              20       20        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)       44        2 (    9.97 +/-     4.90)
 109 mozStorageStatement                            44      264      143        6 (   60.76 +/-    32.86)     1050        6 (   90.82 +/-    28.07)
 213 nsCategoryObserver                             60       60        2        1 (    1.33 +/-     0.58)      380        1 (   10.74 +/-     1.44)
 250 nsCookiePermission                             32       32        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)        8        1 (    4.00 +/-     1.93)
 251 nsCookieService                               136      136        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)       51        1 (    4.49 +/-     1.90)
 254 nsDNSAsyncRequest                              48       96      292        2 (   13.50 +/-    13.50)      876        3 (   20.03 +/-    20.24)
 255 nsDNSPrefetch                                  24       24       71        1 (    9.13 +/-     7.26)      213        1 (   10.09 +/-     7.29)
 257 nsDNSService                                   48       48        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)       99        1 (   10.40 +/-     2.02)
 323 nsEffectiveTLDService                          48       48        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)        4        1 (    1.71 +/-     0.76)
 406 nsHashtable                                    44       88      313        2 (  124.00 +/-    84.93)        0        0 (    0.00 +/-     0.00)
 408 nsHostRecord                                   60       60       22        1 (   11.26 +/-     6.28)      573        1 (   26.65 +/-    19.84)
 409 nsHostResolver                                140      140        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)      595        3 (   19.10 +/-    15.56)
 411 nsHttpConnection                               88       88       43        1 (   17.85 +/-    10.54)     1511        1 (  112.91 +/-    51.76)
 412 nsHttpConnectionInfo                           40       40       71        1 (   22.04 +/-    16.11)      259        1 (   72.56 +/-    43.03)
 414 nsHttpHandler                                 344      344        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)     2468        1 (   34.79 +/-    31.60)
 417 nsIDNService                                   64       64        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)      312        3 (    5.33 +/-     0.87)
 419 nsIOService                                   120      120        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)     5623        1 (    9.15 +/-     5.03)
 462 nsLocalFile                                    28       56     2688        2 (  289.75 +/-   159.02)    12844        2 (  334.90 +/-   191.66)
 504 nsNetworkLinkService                           28       28        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)        6        1 (    2.55 +/-     1.04)
 518 nsObserverService                              48       48        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)     1352        3 (   22.46 +/-     5.51)
 524 nsPermissionManager                            92       92        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)       15        1 (    3.00 +/-     1.34)
 541 nsPrefBranch                                   56       56       28        1 (    9.64 +/-     4.39)      537        1 (   28.72 +/-     9.41)
 598 nsSocketTransport                             296      296       43        1 (   17.85 +/-    10.54)      631        4 (   72.76 +/-    42.50)
 599 nsSocketTransportService                     1676     1676        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)     1416        2 (   28.42 +/-    10.82)
 610 nsStreamConverterService                       16       16        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)       26        1 (    2.82 +/-     0.84)
 614 nsStringBuffer                                  8      176    43141       22 ( 5839.34 +/-  2456.66)    69011       24 ( 6746.66 +/-  2745.90)
 630 nsTArray_base                                   4        4    90392        1 ( 5863.63 +/-  1136.94)        0        0 (    0.00 +/-     0.00)
 669 nsUnicodeNormalizer                            12       12        1        1 (    1.00 +/-     0.00)        4        1 (    1.71 +/-     0.76)
 685 nsVoidArray                                     4       40    23109       10 ( 2951.33 +/-   780.95)        0        0 (    0.00 +/-     0.00)
 687 nsWeakReference                                16       80      441        5 (  148.74 +/-    76.98)     2419        5 (  348.77 +/-   175.18)

nsTraceRefcntImpl::DumpStatistics: 773 entries
 => mAllocCount:          38940
 => mReallocCount:         4201
 => mFreeCount:           38918  --  LEAKED 22 !!!
 => mShareCount:          25870
 => mAdoptCount:           2250
 => mAdoptFreeCount:       2247  --  LEAKED 3 !!!
No longer depends on: sisyphus-tracking
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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