Closed Bug 462390 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Windows Mobile cross-compilation shouldn't require intermediate tools.


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)

Windows Mobile 6 Professional
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: crowderbt, Assigned: crowderbt)



(1 file, 6 obsolete files)

Current, Windows Mobile is cross-compiled by defining fake "gcc" tools which are referenced by the build system, instead of the alternative cl.exe and link.exe provided by the Microsoft WinCE SDKs. We should fix this, as it will simplify mobile development greatly.
Attached patch stuck (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I've spent way too long on this, but I seem to have really genuinely gotten stuck. Here's the patch I am currently using.
Attached file the mozconfig file to match the patch (obsolete) (deleted) —
Running with this patch and this mozconfig, the following error occurs: C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/CE/BIN/X86_ARM/link.exe -DLL -DEBUG -DEBUGTYPE:CV -OUT:"c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssutil3.dll" -DEF:c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssutil.def -MAP c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/quickder.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secdig.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/derdec.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/derenc.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/dersubr.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/dertime.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssb64d.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssb64e.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssrwlk.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssilock.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/oidstring.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/portreg.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secalgid.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secasn1d.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secasn1e.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secasn1u.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secitem.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secoid.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/sectime.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secport.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/secinit.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/templates.obj c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/utf8.obj -VERBOSE corelibc.lib winsock.lib coredll.lib -LIBPATH:C:/PROGRA~1/WI66F8~1/POCKETPC/LIB/ARMV4I -LIBPATH:c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/build/wince/shunt//build/vs9 mozce_shunt.lib -NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/dist/lib/plc4.lib c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/dist/lib/plds4.lib c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/dist/lib/nspr4.lib c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssutil.res Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 9.00.21022.08 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/CE/BIN/X86_ARM/link.exe Processed /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT Starting pass 1 C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/CE/BIN/X86_ARM/link.exe : fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x290 make[7]: *** [c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/objdir-wm6-dbg-opt/xulrunner/nss/nssutil/nssutil3.dll] Error 83 make[7]: Leaving directory `/c/Users/crowder/mobilla/security/nss/lib/util' And so on. If I enter the above command precisely, using a separate command prompt, it links successfully. I am not able to accurately discern why the link.exe tool behaves so differently within make, as opposed to run by hand.
Some further investigating by me showedthe following: Theory 1: Perhaps the Environment Variables were getting corrupted by the 6th and 7th invocation of make. Testing Theory 1: Dumping out the environment variables from the make, duplicating those environment variables in a bash shell directly (/bin/bash ==> c:\mozilla-build\msys\bin\bash.exe), then running the make command directly from the command line. This sequence worked directly from the command line. SO, it appears as if the bash shell itself is not directly responsible for the LNK1107 error. Theory 2: The LIBPATH c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/build/wince/shunt//build/vs9 has two forward slashes in it - could that be causing a problem? Testing Theory 2: By modifying the MOZCONFIG file, I was able to get rid of the two forward slashes, and caused the LIBPATH to be c:/Users/crowder/mobilla/build/wince/shunt/build/vs9. This did not fix the LNK1107 link error. It appears as if the two slashes in the LIBPATH does not cause the LNK1107 error. Theory 3: The libs included in the direct command line do not match those included by the WinCE Shunt Tool arm-wince-link.exe. Testing Theory 3: I fiddled with the file to ensure that the command line executed by this build matched the command line created by the arm-wince-link.exe tool. I still saw the LNK1107 error upon linking. It appears as if the exact libraries explicitly specified does not effect the LNK1107 error. Theory 4: No linking is ever successfully performed by the build for WinCE. Testing Theory 4: I redirected all output from a "make -f build" command line, and searched the output for evidence of another, successful linking operation -- I found no other call to link.exe It appears as if the calls to link.exe are failing when called from the make (th or 7th level in), but succeeding with the same command line when executed directly from the bash shell. Theory 5: The bash shell is somehow running out of file handles. Testing Theory 5: I have no clear way to test this theory. I could look at the bash.exe source code and try to see how many file handles each bash program allows (and uses) - but I stopped work here. I do not know where to get the sources for the version of bash.exe included with mozilla-build. Upshot of all this testing? I could not figure out what is causing the arm-wince-link.exe to succeed, and the make-called link.exe to fail.
Attached patch successfully builds up to netwerk (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
With this patch I build up to this point: C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/CE/BIN/X86_ARM/cl.exe -FonsInputStreamChannel.obj -c -DMOZILLA_INTERNAL_API -D_IMPL_NS_COM -DEXPORT_XPT_API -DEXPORT_XPTC_API -D_IMPL _NS_COM_OBSOLETE -D_IMPL_NS_GFX -D_IMPL_NS_WIDGET -DIMPL_XREAPI -DIMPL_NS_NET -D IMPL_THEBES -DZLIB_INTERNAL -DOSTYPE=\"WINCE\" -DOSARCH=WINCE -DIMPL_NS_NET -I /c/hg/mozilla-central/netwerk/base/src -I. -I../../../dist/include/xpcom -I../.. /../dist/include/string -I../../../dist/include/mimetype -I../../../dist/include /uconv -I../../../dist/include/locale -I../../../dist/include/pref -I../../../di st/include -I../../../dist/include/necko -Ic:/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-db g-cmd-cl/xulrunner/dist/include/nspr -Ic:/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg- cmd-cl/xulrunner/dist/sdk/include -GR- -X -I/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-w m6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunner/dist/include/shunt -Ic:/hg/mozilla-central/build/wince/s hunt//include/ -IC:/PROGRA~1/WINDOW~4/POCKETPC/Include/Armv4i -IC:/PROGRA~1/MICR OS~1.0/VC/CE/Include -FI mozce_shunt.h -DARM -D_ARM_ -DMOZCE_STATIC_BUILD -DUNIC ODE -D_UNICODE_ -DWINCE -D_WIN32_WCE=0x502 -DUNDER_CE -DWIN32_PLATFORM_WFSP -D_W INDOWS -DNO_ERRNO -Zc:wchar_t- -GS- -GR- -fp:fast -TP -nologo -Zc:wchar_t- -W3 - Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG_blassey -DTRACING -Zi -O1 -DCROS S_COMPILE=1 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1 -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS=1 -DWINVER=0x 500 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x500 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -DX_DISPLAY_MISSING=1 -DMOZILLA_VERS ION=\"1.9.2a1pre\" -DMOZILLA_VERSION_U=1.9.2a1pre -DHAVE_SNPRINTF=1 -D_WINDOWS=1 -D_WIN32=1 -DWIN32=1 -DXP_WIN=1 -DXP_WIN32=1 -DHW_THREADS=1 -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -D WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN=1 -DD_INO=d_ino -DMOZ_EMBEDDING_LEVEL_DEFAULT=1 -DMOZ_EMBEDD ING_LEVEL_BASIC=1 -DMOZ_EMBEDDING_LEVEL_MINIMAL=1 -DMOZ_XULRUNNER=1 -DMOZ_BUILD_ APP=xulrunner -DMOZ_DEFAULT_TOOLKIT=\"cairo-windows\" -DMOZ_DISTRIBUTION_ID=\"or g.mozilla\" -DIBMBIDI=1 -DMOZ_VIEW_SOURCE=1 -DMOZ_JSLOADER=1 -DMOZ_NO_XPCOM_OBSO LETE=1 -DMOZ_OGG=1 -DMOZ_WAVE=1 -DMOZ_SYDNEYAUDIO=1 -DMOZ_MEDIA=1 -DMOZ_XTF=1 -D MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_ENABLE_PERCENT=100 -DMOZ_MATHML=1 -DMOZ_ENABLE_CANVAS=1 -DMOZ_ SVG=1 -DMOZ_TREE_FREETYPE=1 -DHAVE_FT_BITMAP_SIZE_Y_PPEM=1 -DHAVE_FT_GLYPHSLOT_E MBOLDEN=1 -DHAVE_FT_LOAD_SFNT_TABLE=1 -DMOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL=default -DMOZ_DISABLE _VISTA_SDK_REQUIREMENTS=1 -DMOZ_DISABLE_PARENTAL_CONTROLS=1 -DMOZ_PLACES=1 -DMOZ _FEEDS=1 -DMOZ_STORAGE=1 -DMOZ_GFX_OPTIMIZE_MOBILE=1 -DMOZ_LOGGING=1 -DMOZ_USER_ DIR=\"Mozilla\" -DMOZ_ENABLE_LIBXUL=1 -DMOZ_TREE_CAIRO=1 -DHAVE_UINT64_T=1 -DMOZ _XUL=1 -DMOZ_PROFILELOCKING=1 -DMOZ_RDF=1 -DMOZ_MORKREADER=1 -DMOZ_DLL_SUFFIX=\" .dll\" -DMOZ_REFLOW_PERF=1 -DMOZ_REFLOW_PERF_DSP=1 -D_MOZILLA_CONFIG_H_ -DMOZIL LA_CLIENT /c/hg/mozilla-central/netwerk/base/src/nsInputStreamChannel.cpp nsInputStreamChannel.cpp nsInputStreamPump.cpp Building deps for /c/hg/mozilla-central/netwerk/base/src/nsInputStreamPump.cpp 0 [main] sed 3052 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to sed.exe.stack dump make[7]: *** [nsInputStreamPump.obj] Error 139 make[7]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunne r/netwerk/base/src' make[6]: *** [libs] Error 2 make[6]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunne r/netwerk/base' make[5]: *** [libs] Error 2 make[5]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunne r/netwerk' make[4]: *** [libs_tier_necko] Error 2 make[4]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunne r' make[3]: *** [tier_necko] Error 2 make[3]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunne r' make[2]: *** [default] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central/objdir-wm6-dbg-cmd-cl/xulrunne r' make[1]: *** [build] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/hg/mozilla-central' make: *** [build] Error 2
Attachment #351066 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file stack dump from sed crash (obsolete) (deleted) —
this may be entirely unrelated....
Attached file mozconfig used to build (obsolete) (deleted) —
this has a lot of stuff specific to my machine such as path short names.
Attachment #351067 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Do you reliably crash there? I've seen crashes in various msys utils before, I think it's just msys suckage.
Comment on attachment 360472 [details] stack dump from sed crash yup, just msys suckage. I kicked off a new build before bed and it got all the way to sqlite where it died because RC wasn't set up right.
Attachment #360472 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: wanted-fennec1.0+
Keywords: checkin-needed
woops, wrong bug, sorry.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Add dependency based on comment #5.
Depends on: 402226
That's unrelated, see blassey's followup comments.
No longer depends on: 402226
Attached patch WIP (deleted) — Splinter Review
this successfully builds everything with pymake. I've got a build with regular make going now. the NSS bits are a hack, it'll need work.
Attachment #360470 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #360473 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #360474 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Not doin' WinMo NoMo.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
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