Closed Bug 465069 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Investigate NSCell drawing quirks


(Core :: Widget: Cocoa, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mstange, Assigned: mstange)




(6 files)

Right now we're using NSCells to draw pushbuttons, checkboxes and radiobuttons. However, our current setup triggers some odd bugs; e.g. things are drawn upside down on some platforms and not on others (see also bug 464353) which we work around using a flip transform. Moreover, when trying to draw NSSearchFieldCells (bug 450800) or NSPopUpButtonCells (bug 399030), we get really weird drawing bugs on 10.4. I want to use this bug to find the answers to the following questions: - What triggers the mirror bugs? - What are the rendering differences between 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6? - What does -[NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:] need the NSView for? - Why do we use [NSView focusView] in that call? - What's up with [NSView focusView] being nil? (see bug 444864 comment 24) And ultimately, - Is there a way of quirk-free drawing that doesn't need platform-specific setups?
Attached file Test app as an XCode project [zip] (deleted) —
I made this test app on 10.4; it covers all the important ways to draw NSCells.
Attached file Test app executable [zipped .app] (deleted) —
Attached image 10.4 screenshot (deleted) —
This is awesome.
Attached file the code (deleted) —
Marcia, could you make a screenshot of attachment 348324 [details] on 10.6?
Attached image 10.5 screenshot (deleted) —
This is what I found out on 10.4. (In reply to comment #0) > - What does -[NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:] need the NSView for? Among other things, it asks for [view isFlipped]. If isFlipped returns NO here, we get the drawing bugs that are shown in column 2 / 3. You can test it in the test app using flippedOnDraw: {YES or NO} and inFocusView:NO. > - Why do we use [NSView focusView] in that call? I think it's a leftover from bug 418497. Before that bug, we used NSImages as buffers. When drawing into an NSImage, you surround your drawing with calls [image lockFocus] and [image unlockFocus]. [image lockFocus] creates an offscreen NSView and sets this as [NSView focusView]. (Now [[NSView focusView] isFlipped] returns what you passed to to [image setFlipped:].) > - What's up with [NSView focusView] being nil? (see bug 444864 comment 24) I found out that (at least on 10.4) [NSView focusView] becomes nil as soon as +[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:...] is called. For our current code this means: Even if [NSView focusView] isn't nil at the beginning of DrawCellWithScaling, it will always be nil when we draw the cell, because we always call setCurrentContext before we draw. So we're effectively passing nil every single time. > - What triggers the mirror bugs? The mirror bugs occur when [view isFlipped] returns NO. [nil isFlipped] evaluates to NO.
Attached image 10.6 screenshot (deleted) —
The patch in bug 450800 uses the drawing strategy shown in column 5 (without buffer) and column 6 (with buffer) of the screenshots. This seems to work reliably on all platforms, so the answer to the last question in comment 0 is apparently "Yes". :-)
(In reply to comment #7) > (In reply to comment #0) > > - What does -[NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:] need the NSView for? > > Among other things, it asks for [view isFlipped]. If isFlipped returns NO here, > we get the drawing bugs that are shown in column 2 / 3. Actually it's the bug shown in column 7. Column 2 and 3 additionally use a flip transform. > I think it's a leftover from bug 418497. I.e. it should have been removed in bug 418497 because that removed the use of NSImage. Before bug 418497, using [NSView focusView] made a lot of sense.
(In reply to comment #7) >> - What's up with [NSView focusView] being nil? (see bug 444864 comment 24) > > I found out that (at least on 10.4) [NSView focusView] becomes nil > as soon as +[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:...] is called. > For our current code this means: Even if [NSView focusView] isn't > nil at the beginning of DrawCellWithScaling, it will always be nil > when we draw the cell, because we always call setCurrentContext > before we draw. So we're effectively passing nil every single time. > >> - What triggers the mirror bugs? > > The mirror bugs occur when [view isFlipped] returns NO. [nil > isFlipped] evaluates to NO. Very interesting! I've dug further into this (as I'll explain below). But I've more-or-less confirmed your comments. Thanks, Markus! This is a real advance in our understanding of how [NSView focusView] works and how [NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:] uses its inView: parameter. I hacked out the following by looking at the output of class-dump ( from the AppKit framework's binary, by fooling around in gdb (particularly in's DrawCellWithScaling() function), and by passing a special object to [NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:] (as its inView: parameter) that inherits from NSObject and only has isFlipped and currentEditor methods. Every NSGraphicsContext object (every concrete subclass of NSGraphicsContext) has an NSFocusStack object associated with it. As you'd expect, each NSFocusStack object is an array of elements (class _NSFocusStackElement), the top of which corresponds to the NSView object that currently has the drawing focus (whose lockFocus method has been called, usually as part of the preparation for calling its drawRect: method). DrawCellWithScaling() is usually (probably always) called with [ChildView drawRect:] on the stack for the native object (a ChildView object) corresponding to the nsIFrame into which Gecko is drawing some kind of control (e.g. a button). So we are between calls to lockFocus and unlockFocus on this ChildView object. So the current focus stack (the one belonging to the current NSGraphicsContext) is non-empty. And so [NSView focusView] returns non-nil (in fact it returns the ChildView object). But the CGContextRef ('cgContext') passed in to DrawCellWithScaling() was created by a call to nsChildView::GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_PLUGIN_PORT_CG), almost certainly made when no call to [NSView lockFocus] or [NSView drawRect:] was on the stack. So 'cgContext's focus stack is almost certainly always empty. And I've seen that the CGContextRef ('ctx') created by a call to CGBitmapContextCreate() inside DrawCellWithScaling() also always has an empty focus stack -- probably because it's never yet been made the current context. So when you use [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:] to make either 'cgContext' or 'ctx' the current context, an empty focus stack is made current, and [NSView focusView] will return nil. By trial and error I found that I could pass an object to [NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:] (as its inView: parameter) that isn't even an NSView object (one that inherits from NSObject), without apparent ill effect. All it needs are an isFocused method that returns FALSE and a currentEditor method that returns nil. It appears that no other methods (not inherited from the NSObject class) are ever called on it (or I would have seen "invalid selector" errors). So Markus may be right that isFlipped (and currentEditor) are called on whatever's passed to inView: even it it's nil. Or maybe if it's nil, drawWithFrame:inView: assumes default return values for isFlipped and currentEditor (FALSE and nil, respectively). In either case the result is the same. I also never saw [NSView focusView] called from [NSCell drawWithFrame:inView:]. So apparently the code in that method doesn't care what NSView object has the current graphics focus, or use Cocoa to do any low-level drawing (I suppose it must use lower-level calls).
Investigation completed, bug 450800 landed.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depending bugs are fixed and verified. Looks like we can verify this bug too.
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