Closed Bug 468405 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Connection timeouts when doing reasonable queries


(Socorro :: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: samuel.sidler+old, Unassigned)




Since the topcrash page is inaccurate (bug 461977), I've been using queries to see topcrash lists and do analysis on them.

Unfortunately, for about a week, queries haven't been working. I'm getting a "Connection Interrupted" error. These aren't complex queries (or... they *weren't*...), so I'm not sure why.

This basically blocks me from doing my job.

The query I was using:
  Product: Firefox
  Branch: 1.9
  Version: Firefox 3.0.4
  Platform: Mac OS X
  Range: 1 week (default)

While that query fails, I really need to not be able to specify the platform at all, so any fix for this bug needs to take out the "platform" part in testing.
No longer depends on: 432450
What's the difference between the original and the alternative?  In other words, how does one, in general, change a query that times out to one that doesn't?
I find it's typically a matter of a few days difference less than a week, and a few days more than a week. In other words, 5, 6 or 7 days might work, but 9, 10 or more doesn't - on first pass.

It tends to vary. And recently it seems to have gotten ever worse as noted in bug 474037.  I've had very simple queries fail, for example clicking a signature on the results page of a search that was one week targeting just one release of thunderbird. similar to ss's example
This is fixed with the re-partitioning.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Socorro → General
Product: Webtools → Socorro
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