Closed Bug 474144 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Time Machine restoration fails


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mitra_lists, Unassigned)



(1 obsolete file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008120121 Firefox/3.0.5
Build Identifier: latest nightly (16 Jan) and previous (can't get identifier as TB won't start)

I'm posting this as a seperate bug as it does not appear to be related to the original Bug 474091.

After a database corruption (Bug 474091) I tried restoring from Time Machine, I have restored a known good Profile - i.e. before any problem, and used a known good copy of TB. 

TB crashes on startup, it does NOT get as far as the TB crash reporter. It generates Apple Console messages (below) and an Apple Crash Report (I'll post as an attachment). 

The crash is in  _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 18 which Wada comments as related to Local handling on Mac OS X?
Bugs listed in Bug 472666 : Bug 22310, Bug 441167, Bug 419220, Bug 472960

This may or may not be true, as I'm not sure how it would be looking for some other Local than default, since its going back to a known working Profile.

Could Time Machine be not saving all the information.

I've also tried unzipping the Profile I zipped before the restoration, but that fails as well - though that is a known corrupt Profile.

I believe this is a critical bug, since it means that a corruption of data loses all old email as well! I've just lost several YEARS worth of email since i'm unable to restore it.

Reproducible: Didn't try

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Delete ~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles
2.Restore from Time Machine
3.Open TB

I haven't tried this on a setup that is known to be working ... 

Apple console messages: 

17/01/09 8:14:13 PM [0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443] Sat Jan 17
20:14:13 mitramacbookpro-4.local thunderbird-bin[443] <Error>:
cmsDataProviderGetBytes : CMCloneProfileRef: returned -4204 
17/01/09 8:14:13 PM [0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443] Sat Jan 17
20:14:13 mitramacbookpro-4.local thunderbird-bin[443] <Error>:
CMSValidateProfile : Unable to read ICC profile 
17/01/09 8:14:13 PM [0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443] Sat Jan 17
20:14:13 mitramacbookpro-4.local thunderbird-bin[443] <Error>:
cmsDataProviderGetBytes : CMCloneProfileRef: returned -4204 
17/01/09 8:14:13 PM [0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443] Sat Jan 17
20:14:13 mitramacbookpro-4.local thunderbird-bin[443] <Error>:
CMSValidateProfile : Unable to read ICC profile 
17/01/09 8:14:13 PM[72]
([0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443]) Stray process with PGID equal to
this dead job: PID 444 PPID 1 crashreporter 
17/01/09 8:14:13 PM[72]
([0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443]) Stray process with PGID equal to
this dead job: PID 444 PPID 1 crashreporter 
17/01/09 8:14:13 PM[72]
([0x0-0x5d05d].org.mozilla.thunderbird[443]) Exited with exit code: 1 
17/01/09 8:14:17 PM ReportCrash[445] Formulating crash report for process
17/01/09 8:14:18 PM ReportCrash[445] Saved crashreport to
using uid: 501 gid: 501, euid: 501 egid: 501
Attached file Apple Crash report (obsolete) (deleted) —
This was with latest nightly: 	
thunderbird-3.0b2pre.en-US.mac.dmg	17-Jan-2009 04:26

Can't get the build string as crashes before starts
Attachment #357500 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
(In reply to comment #1)
> Created an attachment (id=357500) [details]
> Apple Crash report

The stack doesn't look related to Thunderbird at any level though I could be wrong... Steven Michaud does Mac widgets and I think he might be able to help here.
On the face of it this (the Apple crash report from comment #1) looks like the browser is crashing trying to read a resource from the TB bundle, and that the most likely explanation is that the bundle is corrupt.
Thanks Steven, Mitra can you please try again with Thunderbird 3 Beta 1, and a fresh profile?
Whiteboard: closeme 2009-01-29
Gary - I'm running 3.0b2 - do you mean you want me to go BACK to 3.0b1 ?

What i did to try and narrow this down was ....

Downloaded yesterdays nightly ...20090117...  created a fresh profile, saved it to Time Machine, and restored it - it worked fine.

I then copied all my old folders over to it (deleting .msf), and used it for a while, Time Machine was saving copies. 

It then crashed irrecoverably - presumably the same corruption problem as before. I renamed the profile and restored from Time Machine - and none of the profiles worked - even ones I knew had been working in Shredder (i.e. before the crash). 

There seem to be four issues here - maybe all 4 need fixing?
1: Whatever causes the corruption - which is being dealt with elsewhere, 
2: That the Time Machine backup comes back corrupt in some frequent circumstances that don't seem related to #1
3: TB has a poor tolerance of the corrupt backup
4: TB's crash reporter itself crashes (see the stack trace) 

On this version of Shredder (it didn't happen on the previous one - which was an incremental TB built with nightly updates since before it was called Shredder) Shredder complained in one of the situations about not being able to run because it was already running. It wasn't - and a reboot didn't fix it.  It still wouldn't run on that Profile.

This makes me suspect that if TimeMachine runs WHILE shredder is in use then it may build a corrupt backup, corrupt enough that Shredder can't read it and that TB/CrashReporter crashes on it. 

I have the corrupt profiles saved, happy to poke around in them if its useful and you tell me what to look for or send you.

In all cases - deleting ~/Library/Thunderbird directory worked and Shredder started ok, so its definately a problem in that directory.
(In reply to comment #5)
> Gary - I'm running 3.0b2 - do you mean you want me to go BACK to 3.0b1 ?

Mitra, sometimes if nightlies don't work well, it's useful to try and go back to a prerelease version. :)

> In all cases - deleting ~/Library/Thunderbird directory worked and Shredder
> started ok, so its definately a problem in that directory.

This sounds like you had a corrupt profile, and a fresh profile does indeed fix the problem. I would suggest to migrate over to the new one if possible - the old one's probably not going to get you anything but more crashes.
Thanks Gary, I've already moved to the new profile.

I think the issues I report as a bug are still relevant, (all 4 of them), especially since I have seen this problem more than once now.

- Mitra
Ted, attachment of this and bug 474091 attachment 357473 [details] is Mitra's crash in - bug 474717 comment 11 "Crash Report crashes WITHOUT offering any dialogue, I know it was called because it's icon appears in the Task Bar, and the APPLE report says it crashed."

bug 414350 also reported crashing.
Whiteboard: closeme 2009-01-29
It looks like it's crashing deep in system libraries. The only code of ours on the stack is "start". I don't think there's anything we can do here.
Unless, what you are passing as parameters to the system library is invalid in the case of a database corruption, i.e. the data passed to NSWindow in hte trace below

21              	0x962860d1 -[NSWindow displayIfNeeded] + 189
22              	0x96341ca7 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1354
23              	0x96341700 -[NSWindow orderWindow:relativeTo:] + 105
24              	0x96309092 -[NSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:] + 189
25  org.mozilla.crashreporter     	0x00007f36 start + 23990
Jay, hazard a recommendation on how to proceed? (eg. NEW but needs QA, or not TB's fault)
CMSValidateProfile : Unable to read ICC profile is also cited in

and FWIW, I've seen several citations of problems after using time machine
I think this is important - even if its rare - TB losing all someone's email is v. bad, being unable to restore from Time Machine is 10* worse, because it turns losing recent email into losing ALL email. 

I'd suggest that its worth considering this as two problems
1: How does the profile get corrupted so bad it can't restart
2: Why is TB not more tolerant about corrupt profiles, and better able to fix them itself, i.e. instead of crashing TB should recognise and fix the corruption.
Please see a good history of same problem at bug number 580156. I too restored from a Time Machine backup and can now not get TB running except to let it make a new profile. Yes my backup may have been made as I worked on other things thus pulling some odd ball versions of the files into the backup - I  don't know what time machine's agenda is when backing up though so I don't know if it could corrupt a file while backing up or not. 

When I put old profile information into the fresh load's profile or even when replacing the old profile completely it still crashes on startup. I have many document runs and crash info saves that you can look at. I have a imac 24" with 10.5.8. Thank you for working on this.
Please note in bug 580156 that I imported to Apple Mail and it blew up during the import on files over 1 gig so I told its import not to import such large files. Similarly, the startup screen for TB seems to show an attempt to import that works up to the 1/2 way point where my big files get hit. Similarly, Apple's text edit also will not open my biggest mail files that are 1 gig and bigger saying file too big. 

So maybe apple is blowing up the startup when a big import file happens that is too big for one of its pipes.
Why can we not just stick our old mail files in the profile and let TB pick them up?
You know I tried 9 Time Machine backups, yes 9.  Six of them were 1 hour apart during a time when the Thunderbird was running but not necessarily being used but the last 3 were 8 hours or a day apart with Thunderbird shut down.
Comment on attachment 357500 [details]
Apple Crash report

so the reporter filed the crash from comment 1 (_CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 18
1) as bug 580156.
Attachment #357500 - Attachment is obsolete: true
sorry, not the reporter. anyway. since this bug didn't get triaged well and since tom has managed to confuse me sufficiently, i'm going to just resolve this as a duplicate.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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