Closed Bug 475533 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Email with threads have duplicate entries, when you delete one most of the others email drop subject and just reflect a 35 year old date


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mason, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
Build Identifier: version (20081209)

When I open Thunderbird first start of the day or after shutdown the inbox starts rebuilding (adding) emails to the inbox. The same email is duplicated multiable times. This causes the rebuild time to take several minutes longer than normal. When you remove one of the fake emails the whole thread changes to a RE: blank subject and a date 31 Dec-69 1700. I have run a in depth scan and have found no results. Whats going on? 

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:

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727 736 6001
Not security sensitive.
Group: core-security
Have you right clicked on a the folder that is causing the issue and selected "Compact"? that could be the problem.
Version: unspecified → 2.0
are you saying that compacting is causing the problem or would fix the problem?
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1pre) Gecko/20090528 Lightning/1.0pre Shredder/3.0b3pre ID:20090528032146

I just confirmed that --

1) Somehow I am getting messages that end up as duplicates in the inbox on an IMAP account. They do not show up as being duplicates on the real IMAP server via another mail client.

2) Deleting one of the messages in Shredder marks both as deleted in the inbox.

3) Compacting the folder deletes both duplicates but leaves a new message with no subject, no from, the same body, and a date of 12/31/1969.

restarting Shredder cleared the "ancient" email that was created, but then created a duplicate for another message sitting in the inbox.

restarting shredder does not appear to "fix" these duplicate messages.

This appears to be two bugs for me.  I am not sure if there is another bug filed for these duplicate messages that appear, and I'm not sure to look to see where they are being created.
generally speaking i think these duplicate messages only "appear" when shredder is first started, and I think they only get created for new messages, but it's extremely difficult to troubleshoot a sporadic issue.

I do have the global search and indexer enabled.
Sounds same problem as Bug 414723?

> a new message with no subject, no from, the same body, and a date of 12/31/1969.

Phenomenon of "such phantom mail which re-appears after delete of the funny mail" is reported to some(but not so small number) bug. It was observed in duplication test of Bug 376235 too. Phantom mail can also be observed by duplication test of Bug 448337.

Have you tried Rebuild-Index?
I am not applying any mail filters or trying to move mail.  This duplicate message appears when starting thunderbird, and only sometimes.

marking for delete and then compacting the folder creates the "phantom" mail.

I will try rebuilding the index to see if it fixes the duplicates.
exiting thunderbird, deleting the .sqlite database from the profile, and restarting thunderbird does not remove the duplicate entries in the inbox.
dup of bug 414723, I believe, which has a potential fix.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Looks like 414723 has components of the duplicate issue in it, and looks like there is a patch en-route.

457139 is a dupe of this which has components in 414723.
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