Closed Bug 479064 Opened 16 years ago Closed 3 years ago

When a deleted message causes 'compact folders', the message list pane loses focus/selection and scrolls back to the top


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mr, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Build Identifier: (20081209)

I have many message in my Inbox. When I delete the selected message, sometimes Thunderbird automatically starts its 'compacting folders' routine. It takes some seconds and a progress bar is shown at the bottom. Then it says "done compacting", the message list pane is scrolled back to the top, and no message is selected in the list. I have to scroll back down and select the next message manually.

The next message is shown in the message pane though, this is expected - but inconsistent with the above described behaviour of the message list pane.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have many messages in the Thunderbird Inbox, with a scrollbar present.
2. Set a low limit, 10 kB or lower, for the Compact Folders feature (under Tools | Options | Advanced | Network & Disk Space) in order to have it happen more often.
3. Select a message at (or near) the bottom of the message list.
4. Delete the message and let 'compact folders' start. If it does not, delete another message and it probably starts.
Actual Results:  
The bottom statusbar says "done compacting".
The message list pane is scrolled back to the top, and no message is selected in the list.
The next message is shown in the message pane, even without list selection.

Expected Results:  
The bottom statusbar says "done compacting".
The message list pane does not scroll away, and the next message is selected in the list.
The selected message is shown in the message pane.

It seems to me that there are also other strange behaviours of the message list pane and message pane display, especially when jumping between Lightning calendar and Thunderbird mail views. When returning to the mail view, the panes show something else than before. I see no reason whatsoever that a user would ever want to see anything else than what was seen before, and I definitely think the misbehaving message list pane mechanisms should be investigated and corrected.
I saw the phenomenon several times with Seamonkey 1.1.14 on MS Win.
 1. One mail window is used for Mail&News .
 2. Inbox of a POP3 account is sorted by "Order Received" column(descending).
    Mail displayed in message pane is newest/lowest mail at this step.
 3. Work with mail folder of other accounts.
 4. New mails arrive at the POP3 account. Some are moved to Junk by junk filter.
    A junk mail is not detected as Junk, and remains in Inbox.
 6. "Mark as junk" via context menu of the mail(newest/lowest) at thread pane
    => Dialog for auto compaction => OK
    => Thread pane position is moved to top (still sorted by "Order Received"),
       and message pane becomes blank.

Issue in position handling of mail placed at bottom? Tried to shift to next mail but mail was not found? (e.g. deleted by Junk move while compaction, then loose position)
Ever confirmed: true
"Bottom mail or not" was irrelevent. Phenomenon can be said as follows in my environment.
    - Seamonkey 1.1.5 on MS Win.
    - "Remember the last selected message" is Checked.
    - Thread pane is sorted in ascending order("Order Received" column).
      (New Junk mails are placed at bottom position in thread pane)
  If new Junk mails are place at bottom, and if "no mail is selected" status,
  scroll position(bottom in my case) is reset by auto-compaction
  which is invoked by "Mark As Junk" followed by "auto-move to Junk folder".
    - If a non Junk mail is selected when "Mark As Junk"(from context menu,
      without viewing Junk mail), position was moved to the selected mail
      after auto-compact.
    - If sort order is descending(newest=top position), no problem for user,
      because position in thread pane after auto-compact is top position.
Phenomenon was already reported as 3-rd problem of Bug 369643 Comment #0.
Setting dependency.
Depends on: 369643
No longer depends on: 369643
dupe of bug 367689?
Depends on: 367689
I'm seeing similar in OS/X with Thunderbird 13.0.1

It feels like a regression to me: I recall having my issue with some earlier version(s?), but then it went away, now is back. Or so it seems.

Reproduce mine: Use the view that has summary of folder above and one message below, with accounts and folders on the left. Either automatically compact a folder, or allow it to compact when it asks. I trigger this by reading emails with embedded images and then deleting them to the trash. When the compact action starts to happen, the folder view loses track of which message is next. That message is marked as read, but is not highlighted, and it is not seen in the message view. If I select that message, read it and delete it quickly enough, I'm refused: The compaction is still working (I keep a humongous trash folder)

Name: Thunderbird
Version: 13.0.1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120614 Thunderbird/13.0.1

Test Pilot for Thunderbird v 1.3.9 is installed but not enabled.

See attached for much detail about my Thunderbird setup
Clarification: With compaction set to ask before acting: When I delete a message, the next message is selected and marked as read at the same time as the compaction dialog is offered. If compaction is rejected, the message stays selected. If compaction is accepted, Thunderbird loses track of the current message.

fgriswolf, Frank Chambers, Cédric

Do you still see this issue?
And if you you no longer see it, in what year might it have stopped?

Flags: needinfo?(griswolf)
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Flags: needinfo?(cedric.corazza)

Have not seen it for a long time. Not at all sure how long ago.

Thanks for the update

Closed: 3 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(griswolf)
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Flags: needinfo?(cedric.corazza)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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