Closed Bug 47924 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

refresh on POST form gives misleading dialog box


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)






(Reporter: john, Assigned: don)




From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; m17) Gecko/20000804
BuildID:    2000080404

When you click refresh on a POST form, the dialog box has "Cancel" on it but
when you click Cancel it still goes back to the server with a GET response.

Cancel implies to me (and probably many others) that the operation will not
proceed; something more like Yes / No / Cancel or even just Yes / No would be
more appropriate in this case.
over to Form Submission...
Assignee: ben → rods
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → Form Submission
QA Contact: sairuh → ckritzer
I don't think this is our issue, I think this belongs to don's team.
Assignee: rods → don
John, I'm not seeing this with the following builds/platforms:
- MacOS86   2000-08-19-08 Commercial
- Win98     2000-08-21-04 Commercial
- WinNT     2000-08-21-04 Commercial
- LinuxRH62 2000-08-21-06 Commercial

Could you try again with a more recent build?  If it still happens for you, I'll 
move the bug to NEW status.  Thanks, -ckritzer
Still happening with 2000082108 - Win32.

Maybe I didn't specify the steps well enough, though.  Here are some better ones:
1. Go to the link above.
2. Click on Submit.  The page will show "Yo yo man" in H1.
3. Click the big graphical refresh button on the top (haven't tried other
methods).  An OK / Cancel box comes up.
4. Click Cancel.  The page changes and does not show "Yo yo man" on it.  This is
indicative of its doing a GET request to the server even though you have tried
to cancel the operation.
I will try these steps.  Thanks John!  -ckritzer
John, thanks for the more detailed steps to reproduce.  Unfortunately, I'm not 
seeing this bug on Win98, NT, MacOS86 or LinuxRH62.

Do you still see this with the most recent bits (2000-08-21-xx)?
Yes.  The build I tested on today, I downloaded today (Aug. 21).  It was 
mozilla-win-installer (or something like that) in the latest directory.  This 
was on Windows NT 4.0.  2000-08-21-08.

I will download on my W95 box and try there, I'll check back.
OK, I've tried it at home now, on a completely different computer, W95 and build
ID is 2000-08-21-08 (without dashes of course).  The same bug arises.

What happens on your screen when you hit "Cancel"?

If "Yo yo man" stays around ... perhaps you have different caching preferences
than I do, or something?  My caching pref is "Once per session" if that matters.
Hmmnn...this is really weird.  I'm not seeing it on any platform (win32, mac, 
linux) for the 2000-08-21-xx builds.  I also have my cache settings for "Once 
per session"...
Ooh, ooh, wait I think I might know what this is...

John, try this:
1) Open Edit:Preferences:Advanced:Cache
2) Click on both the 'Clear Memory Cache' and 'Clear Disk Cache' buttons

Then try your test again.  If you don't see the correct results, try:

3) Repeat steps 1) & 2)
4) Select 'Every time I view the page'

and of course save the option settings.

I think that may help resolve this particular problem.  Let me know how it works 
for you.
Tried both of those things, it's exhibiting the same behavior both times.  Are
you sure we're doing the same steps here?  What happens for you, on each screen?
 You are going to the URL, correct?

(I presume "save the option settings" means hit the OK button on the preferences

Thanks for your help here.  Sorry to take up so much of your time, this does
look like a bug to me.
Forgot to say, I'm using yesterday's latest win32 (2000-08-21-08).
I believe I'm repeating your's what I'm doing:
1) Launch browser
2) Load
   2a) A page loads with only a 'submit' button on it
3) Click on 'submit' button
   3a) A security alert dialog comes up.
4) Click 'OK' button on security warning
   4a) A second page loads with 'Yo yo man' in H1 and a 'submit' button below it
5) Click on the 'submit' button
   5a) A security alert dialog comes up.
6) Click 'Cancel' button on security warning

My results:  'Yo yo man' and 'submit' button do not disappear.
On builds:
MacOS86   2000-08-21-08-M18 Commercial
Win98     2000-08-21-08-M18 Commercial
LinuxRH62 2000-08-22-06-M18 Mozilla

This is freaky, dude.  I've also tried it (several times) on the same Windows 
build on NT.  Let me check the SP vers on that machine and see if it's 

BTW, I'm happy to help...some bugs take longer to nail down than others <grin>
Ah.  I see where the confusion is.  On step 5, hit "Refresh" (on the top of the 
screen) instead of submit.

That dialog should say "The page to be loaded has form elements with post 
data.  Do you want to repost the form data?"  The choices are OK and Cancel.  
OK works as expected; Cancel does not cancel the operation, it just doesn't 
repost the form data.  I believe that, the way it works, it should be a "Yes / 
No / Cancel" dialog or at least "Yes / No".
Ohhhh, yes indeedy.  My bad.  Mongo need more [sleep|caffeine]...

Changing status to NEW, Platform & OS to All.

John, thanks for helping clear this up.
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows NT → All
See bug 46338. Dupe of it or at least related.
Note also bug 43123.
This bug seems to be covered by 46338 and 43123
I'll agree there; though I think that both bugs are really the same *single* 
bug--all the comments from them need to be put together.  It's all about the 
same broken network behavior in the OK / Cancel dialog and how to fix it.
Marking dupe of 43123.  John, I added some of the more pertinent (at least to 
me<grin>) comments to bug 43123.  If I missed adding anything you feel is 
important, please feel free to do so.

And thanks again for all your help on this bug.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 43123 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updating QA contact.
QA Contact: ckritzer → vladimire
Verified dupe.
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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