Closed Bug 483285 (fx-l10n-kk) Opened 16 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[kk] Firefox release tracker Kazakh


(Mozilla Localizations :: kk / Kazakh, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Pike, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


This is a tracker bug for releasing Firefox 3.5 kk.

This bug is not that detailed, but as we get particular work items, they should
block this bug for tracking and discoverability.
Depends on: 483286
Depends on: 483287
Depends on: 483288
Depends on: 483289
Depends on: 483291
Depends on: 483292
Depends on: 483293
Depends on: 483295
Depends on: 483296
Depends on: 480717
Component: Other → kk / Kazakh
QA Contact: kazakh.kk
Morphing this over to 3.6.

Timur, there are a handful of bugs that all wait for feedback from the Kazakh community. It'd be great if we could make some progress and get Kazakh finalized finally.
Alias: fx35-l10n-kk → fx36-l10n-kk
Blocks: fx36-l10n-tracker
No longer blocks: fx35-l10n-tracker
Summary: [kk] Firefox 3.5 release tracker Kazakh → [kk] Firefox 3.6 release tracker Kazakh
After chatting with Timur yesterday, we're morphing this into 4.0.

I'll update the other bugs accordingly.

Today the nightlies for Kazakh rolled out, you can find them on, notably for linux, for windows, and for the mac.

In the following weeks, we're going to have bumps in the version numbers on a regular basis, so please don't point to explicit version numbers. Nightlies move over those fine, so once you got one, you stay on track.

I invite both of you to follow the l10n newgroup, too, there's not too much traffic and the important announcments around the 4.0 release all go there. They're usually prefixed with [ANNOUNCE], too. Details on that group/mailinglist are on

Baurzhan, I've CCed you to the bug here, in general, it'd be good if you just watched the Kazakh bug traffic, too, I guess. Just head over to and add kazakh.kk@localization.bugs to the input field.
Alias: fx36-l10n-kk → fx40-l10n-kk
Summary: [kk] Firefox 3.6 release tracker Kazakh → [kk] Firefox 4.0 release tracker Kazakh
Blocks: fx-l10n-tracker
No longer blocks: fx36-l10n-tracker
PS: Technically, kk should be good to participate in our beta program now, so if your testing on the nightlies goes good, and possible fixes are in, is the place to sign off for the revision to use. Also note that you should update that sign-off to incorporate the fixes you land. The next update is scheduled to freeze this Friday, and to go to build on Monday, so you'd have the weekend, still.

We're not totally string frozen for Fx4 yet, so that page will also show if more changes are required for additional strings landing.
No longer depends on: 483293
Timur, ping. Do you think you'll have some time to move forward with this?
Morphing this into version independent tracker.
Timur, can we revive this?
Summary: [kk] Firefox 4.0 release tracker Kazakh → [kk] Firefox release tracker Kazakh
Hey Timur,

As far as I can see, you have your aurora and beta channels pretty much up to date. That said, we're as much as 3 bugs and some reviewing away from taking Kazakh out of the beta to the final releases channel.

Can you please take some time to go over the bugs blocking this one, and respond to my comments?
Alias: fx40-l10n-kk → fx-l10n-kk
Depends on: 785853

Thanks for working on all the bugs! We'll keep this open until we ship the final version of Firefox in Kazakh. Just to remind you, please sign off on a revision that includes changes you landed in bug 785853 and bug 483289.

Depends on: 797386
We already ship final version of Firefox in Kazakh, this is done.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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