Closed Bug 485649 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Google Calendar integration causes Thunderbird to hang


(Calendar :: Provider: GData, defect)

Lightning 0.9
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mk144210, Unassigned)



(Keywords: hang)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009030423 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.7
Build Identifier: Thunderbird version (20090318)

Works fine until I add my google calendar. Then cannot interact with it at all.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Add my XML Google Calendar. It worked before Wednesday (maybe Google changed something?)
Actual Results:  
Frozen thunderbird. Have to kill -9

Expected Results:  

I have a log.
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar
QA Contact: general → general
Component: General → Provider: GData
QA Contact: general → gdata-provider
Version: unspecified → Lightning 0.9
Keywords: hang
Crashes sunbird too
Error: Assert failed: An error was encountered preparing the calendar located at for use. It will not be available.
1: [file:///tmp/sunbird/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///tmp/sunbird/js/calUtils.js:1004] ASSERT
2: [file:///tmp/sunbird/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///tmp/sunbird/js/calCalendarManager.js:560] cmgr_createCalendar
3: [file:///tmp/sunbird/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///tmp/sunbird/js/calCalendarManager.js:708] cmgr_assureCache
4: [file:///tmp/sunbird/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///tmp/sunbird/js/calCalendarManager.js:684] cmgr_getCalendars
5: [null:0] null

Source File: file:///tmp/sunbird/components/calItemModule.js -> file:///tmp/sunbird/js/calUtils.js
Line: 1009
Misha, your screenshots indicates that you subscribed to Google Calendar using the Provider for Google Calendar extension. This error typically occurs if the extension has been disabled or removed. Open Tools > Add-ons and check that the Provider for Google Calendar extension is correctly installed and enabled.

Do you use Lightning 0.9 from or Lightning 0.8 from Ubuntu?
Hi the screenshot is from Sunbird as Lightning will just hang. Log is from Lightning 0.9.

I tried with a clean profile, install Lightning (amd64) 0.9 and Google Calendar provider. Same hang. Also I tried just doing it as a CalDAV, also loads calendar but hangs...

I think its something specific to my calendar which is why I think the link to the log will help I hope. Thank you
Here's my caldav log
There used to be at least one public google calendar that caused a hang of Sunbird/Lightning, see Bug 401639, Bug 377487. I suggest that you use Google calendar web interface to download the .ics file for your calendar via the provided ICAL feed and check the file in a text editor for a similar event.

I'm not a CalDAV expert but the log from comment 8 looks fine to me. Some calendar has been loaded and alarms are triggered for the events in the calendar. No indication of an error or hang.
I don't think my problem is the same but just in case here are all my RRULEs:

It's kind of personal but I suppose I could post my ical. Would that help?
In fact here it is:

I will take down in a few days though...
Cmon, seriously, I posted my whole private ical... its still up. Are you telling me _noone_ has time to look? It's a pretty serious bug if completely crashes Thunderbird/Lightning and Sunbird...
Makes me question my whole commitment to open source seriously...
Your test file works correctly for me using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1b4pre) Gecko/20090420 Calendar/1.0pre. I tested both importing into local storage calendar and opening the file directly.
Misha, I'm sorry this has been taking so long. Please note we are very low on developer resources currently, see
Ok no worries. Please let me know if I can help somehow.

I can't even import my ics file though.
Based on your logs it seems that the calendars are loaded but lets give it a try: Do you access both email and calendar at the same time via secure (SLL) connection, e.g. during Thunderbird startup? If yes you might be experiencing Bug 390036. Could you retest after disabling check for emails during startup?
Hey that worked! So what do I do to make it permanent? And why did it only start acting up all of a sudden?
Thanks for testing -> resolving duplicate.

I don't know why the issue didn't occur earlier for you. Maybe the update to Thunderbird changed something. Maybe it depends on the order Thunderbird uses to check the email accounts. 

Based on the current information in Bug 390036 it seems that the solution is using Thunderbird 3.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Ok thanks. It started happening again. Any ideas when Thunderbird 3 will be out?

Just got Google Provider 0.5.2 seems to work better...

Will let you know

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