Closed Bug 486017 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Bug while Printing - Unresponsive Script Blocking dialog


(Firefox :: General, defect)

3.5 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: osmadja, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3) Gecko/20090305 Firefox/3.1b3
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3) Gecko/20090305 Firefox/3.1b3

When I open the Print dialog (Command+P). A background dialog appear with a text Unresponsive Script : 

Script: chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.xml:445
The script dialog has 2 buttons 'Continue' & 'Stop script' but I can not click s my Print dialog in opened and seems to be modal. And the print dialog can not execute nothing even if I click on cancel or Print.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.I access my private banking site
2.Then choose to print a transfer document
3.And it happens
Actual Results:  
The print dialog appear but buttons are unresponsive as a script error appears on background. The only way to resolve is to 'Force Quit' Firefox. No way to simply close the window. I had to use Safari to print my document :-(

Expected Results:  
Normal print dialog with button executing the tasks.



Built from
Build platform

Build tools
Compiler 	Version 	Compiler flags
gcc-4.0 -arch ppc 	gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484) 	-I/usr/X11/include -Wall -W -Wno-unused -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -W -Wno-long-long -gdwarf-2 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -fpascal-strings -fno-common -pthread -I/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -O2
g++-4.0 -arch ppc 	gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484) 	-I/usr/X11/include -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wcast-align -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-long-long -gdwarf-2 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -fpascal-strings -fno-common -fshort-wchar -pthread -I/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -O2

Configure arguments
--target=powerpc-apple-darwin9.2.0 --with-macos-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk --enable-application=browser --enable-update-channel=beta --enable-update-packaging --disable-tests --enable-official-branding

Built from
Build platform

Build tools
Compiler 	Version 	Compiler flags
gcc-4.0 -arch i386 	gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484) 	-I/usr/X11/include -Wall -W -Wno-unused -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -W -Wno-long-long -gdwarf-2 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -fpascal-strings -fno-common -pthread -I/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -O2
g++-4.0 -arch i386 	gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484) 	-I/usr/X11/include -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wcast-align -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-long-long -gdwarf-2 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -fno-strict-aliasing -fpascal-strings -fno-common -fshort-wchar -pthread -I/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -O2

Configure arguments
--target=i386-apple-darwin9.2.0 --with-macos-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk --enable-application=browser --enable-update-channel=beta --enable-update-packaging --disable-tests --enable-official-branding
Attached image What happens when the bug occurs (deleted) —
Version: unspecified → 3.1 Branch
Do you have any extensions installed?
And could you perhaps test latest trunk (gecko1.9.2). It has some changes to
printing which haven't yet landed to gecko1.9.1
No extension & no theme.

Something I forgot to tell: When I Print, I then choose the Save as Pdf Option. It is with the save file dialog that happens.
I tried to reproduce in another site (without https) but the problem did  not occur
How do i download the latest trunk (gecko1.9.2)? is where the trunk lives
Try installing that, but make sure you use a new directory.
I saw this once with the OS X filepicker, presumably the specific OS X dialog being shown isn't relevant to triggering this.  Only installed extension is adblock, which probably doesn't have any relevance.
It seems that with the gecko1.9.2 the problem does not occur!
Does this happen ins safe mode with 3.1?
May resolve as WFM as it works in trunk, but will leave that for someone else to decide
I saw this bug numerous times yesterday while dealing with various financial websites.  I never had to force quit: once I moved the print dialog out of the way, I was able to click the "Continue" button on the unresponsive script dialog (which then allowed the print and "Save file" pop-up windows to finish saving and close).  It wasn't obvious that doing that would work, however, or that "Continue" rather than the default "Stop" was the right choice.  In fact, the error message was often almost entirely blocked behind the existing dialog boxes, so I suspect a lot of users wouldn't even notice it was there.  Unfortunately, I have not yet found a good testcase: most of the places I saw it were in the middle of one-time transactions that I can't repeat for testing.  If I hit this bug again in a place where I can do testing, I'll try to narrow it down.

I'm running Firefox 3.5b4, Mac OS 10.5.7 on a 1.25 GHz PPC PowerBook.  I have Weave and NoScript installed and active, but this error occurred regularly whether or not NoScript was set to forbid scripts globally or not.  (Previous comments suggest that it's not an extension problem, anyway.)

This is the most serious bug that I've noticed since I switched to the 3.1/5 betas.  Since this apparently often comes up on banking sites or other important financial places (and specifically when trying to save copies of important documents), it could be a major issue for users even if it is uncommon in everyday browsing.  I figured out a workaround, but many users wouldn't and that workaround apparently didn't work for the original reporter.  I'm not sure that fixing it should wait until 3.6, so I'm requesting blocking just to get a formal decision.
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: blocking-firefox3.5?
Hardware: x86 → All
See bug 492560, maybe a dupe?
Yeah, that sounds like the same issue (that's what I get for forgetting to include Core bugs in my search).  Even though this bug was filed first, I think it's reasonable to mark it as a duplicate of the one where the action is.
Closed: 15 years ago
Flags: blocking-firefox3.5?
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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