Closed Bug 486710 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Provide Linux x86-64 builds of Thunderbird


(Mozilla Messaging Graveyard :: Release Engineering, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mkmelin, Assigned: jhopkins)



Firefox x86-64 linux nightlies are getting generated. Would be nice to have thunderbird ones too.
Summary: provide x86-64 builds on thunderbird → provide x86-64 builds of thunderbird
Presumably Firefox don't formally release their builds, so these would be experimental only?
Seems they aren't released, at least yet. No idea what the plans are since for ff3 the x86 experimental builds weren't being made yet.
It seems that we have a few bugs that are x64 specific, all the distributions provide x64 (at least the three major one) - would be nice for us to provide it. Maybe we could provide them the way Solaris build are distributed in /contrib ?
(In reply to comment #2)
> Seems they aren't released, at least yet. No idea what the plans are since for
> ff3 the x86 experimental builds weren't being made yet.

From what I can tell, their target has not changed - delivering 64bit in version 4.x.

Note also per Ted, "breakpad does not work 64bit, expect perhaps windows".  And crashme extension does not work 64bit.
(In reply to comment #2)
> Seems they aren't released, at least yet. No idea what the plans are since for
> ff3 the x86 experimental builds weren't being made yet.

Right, that's good to know - when we start posting the builds we can post that they are experimental.

(In reply to comment #3)
> It seems that we have a few bugs that are x64 specific, all the distributions
> provide x64 (at least the three major one) - would be nice for us to provide
> it. Maybe we could provide them the way Solaris build are distributed in
> /contrib ?

I would be tempted to stick them alongside the main builds like FF have done:

Although I'm kinda surprised they aren't in an experimental directory, but perhaps its just easier have them alongside the main build.

(In reply to comment #4)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> > Seems they aren't released, at least yet. No idea what the plans are since for
> > ff3 the x86 experimental builds weren't being made yet.
> From what I can tell, their target has not changed - delivering 64bit in
> version 4.x.
> Note also per Ted, "breakpad does not work 64bit, expect perhaps windows".  And
> crashme extension does not work 64bit.

Well it'll be --disable-crashreporter then ;-)

We possibly need an extension to

Also looking at that page, it'd possibly be good if we can attract a maintainer - i.e. someone who has a 64 bit system for Linux and will help look after the builds/bugs.
Summary: provide x86-64 builds of thunderbird → Provide Linux x86-64 builds of Thunderbird
1. To build these, we'll need 64 bit builders (except for OS X, they are already 64biyt).

2. I'd also stick them in the same nightly directory, like FF does

3. Do we care about things like unittest/bloat/etc for these platforms ?
(In reply to comment #6)
> 3. Do we care about things like unittest/bloat/etc for these platforms ?

It would be nice to have them running.
I think we should be taking the Firefox lead here - one Linux builder.

My concern is that if we have Windows builds and/or unittest/bloat etc then we could potentially come across core issues that would turn our tree red, but core wouldn't necessarily care about in the short term. Given, afaik we have no-one signed up to lead work on any platform (maybe we should ask though), fixing these issues (even just in mailnews) may be hard.
I running Debian Lenny 64bits.

If I wanna test Thunderbird 3, I can't because: DON'T exist Thunberbird 3 to 64bits OS.

Thanks for waste my time:

Is the lack of 64bit builds for Thunderbird 3 simply an issue of not having a machine to build on? We're a university organisation and can offer fast machines on a gigabit line for this if it would help
(In reply to comment #11)
> Is the lack of 64bit builds for Thunderbird 3 simply an issue of not having a
> machine to build on?

We have machines to build it on, just don't have a ready to use 64-bit Linux reference platform image. I'll need to build one.

I'll start building one during idle cycles.
Depends on: 494776
Blocks: 489420
No longer blocks: 489420
Since all recent computers are 64 bit (and on linux the default installs are nnow 64 bit too) - its probably time to move this along isnt it ? 

Even firefox has it ... surely you dont wanna let -those- guys get ahead .. do ya ?? ;-)

Please ?
(In reply to comment #13)
> Since all recent computers are 64 bit (and on linux the default installs are
> nnow 64 bit too) - its probably time to move this along isnt it ? 

Getting Thunderbird 3 out is a more significant milestone that we are trying to achieve than getting 64 bit builds going. Hence this is low priority.

As far as we know there is nothing that stops the 32 bit builds running perfectly fine on 64 bit systems.

> Even firefox has it ... surely you dont wanna let -those- guys get ahead .. do
> ya ?? ;-)

Firefox only has nightly builds which is the same as we'd support here, if we did. There has also been no real performance analysis done to see if it is really worthwhile or not (as implied by this thread:

Hence until we've shipped Thunderbird 3 this is low priority.
(In reply to comment #14)
> (In reply to comment #13)
> > Since all recent computers are 64 bit (and on linux the default installs are
> > nnow 64 bit too) - its probably time to move this along isnt it ? 
> Getting Thunderbird 3 out is a more significant milestone that we are trying to
> achieve than getting 64 bit builds going. Hence this is low priority.

Yes, I made some significant progress on this a while back, but had to switch priorities for Thunderbird 3. Once that's out, I'll tackle this one once again.

> As far as we know there is nothing that stops the 32 bit builds running
> perfectly fine on 64 bit systems.

That's what I do, for instance.
(In reply to comment #15)
> (In reply to comment #14)
> > As far as we know there is nothing that stops the 32 bit builds running
> > perfectly fine on 64 bit systems.
> That's what I do, for instance.

Just to ply the devil's advocate, doing that is not always an [easy] option.

I recently switched to  using a native (non-multilib) 64bit version of Gentoo, so I can't run 32bit binary applications outside of a chroot (which is a big pain). But I do it anyways because I want to use the nightly builds.

Also, people who roll their own kernel could disable 32bit emulation (CONFIG_IA32_EMULATION), which would prevent them from running 32bit executables.

Anyways, now that TB3 is out the door, I look forwards to seeing progress on this, when it happens.
Depends on: 563199
Depends on: 563601
Assignee: nobody → john.hopkins
Per the current results on bug 563601, I'm now happy for Linux 64-bit Unit test builds to be rolled out on just comm-central.

For the other builders here's what I think is the current status:

- Unit tests on comm-1.9.1 and comm-1.9.2
-- Need the remainder of bug 563601 resolving.
- Bloat tests just on comm-central
-- Need builds setting up on staging to check results.
- Dep & Nightly builds just on comm-central
-- Need builds setting up on staging to check results.
-- Note: No l10n builds at this time.

Per the tb-planning thead, we won't be setting up bloat, dep or nightly builds on comm-1.9.1 or comm-1.9.2.
Depends on: 572113
(In reply to comment #18)
> Per the current results on bug 563601, I'm now happy for Linux 64-bit Unit test
> builds to be rolled out on just comm-central.

As I've just found, we need to resolve bug 572113 before we can roll out anything - we're currently using the wrong gcc version.
changeset:   2515:9a4b0585d520
tag:         tip
user:        Philippe M. Chiasson <>
date:        Wed Jun 16 14:04:02 2010 -0400
summary:     Bug 486710 - Add Linux 64 unittest configs across all branches
changeset:   2516:fb8eae47487d
tag:         tip
user:        Philippe M. Chiasson <>
date:        Wed Jun 16 14:09:00 2010 -0400
summary:     Bug 572113 - Linux 64-bit builds need gcc 4.3.3
changeset:   2532:d319916f1072
tag:         tip
user:        Philippe M. Chiasson <>
date:        Thu Jun 17 13:31:05 2010 -0400
summary:     Bug 486710 - Linux-64 dep/nightly configuration
Linux comm-central dep/nightly builds are now green, and nightly updates are available.
Depends on: 573523
I've now fixed the comm-1.9.2 build problem. We can put comm-1.9.2 unit test on production for linux-64 bit if we also de-restrict the comm-1.9.2 builders from the release branch that they are on.

You have a=Standard8 to do that for *just* the unit test and bloat builders.
Blocks: 620380
Everything on this bug that I want is done, I've just filed bug 620380 to set up L10n builds for Linux 64-bit.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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