Closed Bug 50189 Opened 24 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Improve error message when can't connect


(MailNews Core :: Networking, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: phil, Unassigned)


(Keywords: polish)

Using 2000-08-24-08 commercial build on NT

1. Open mail
2. A bunch of network connections get attempted: one for the mail server, a
couple for COOL and AIM, and an HTTP connection for the mail start page
3. Today, the mail start page is not available, and so an error message is
generated which says "Server not available" or something like that.

It would be better to say which server was not available, and perhaps what the
consequences of that are. As it happens, I can still read mail and use AIM, and
this error message is really confusing and misleading.
Add polish keyword
Keywords: polish
Target Milestone: --- → Future
cc'ing myself.
mass move, v2.
qa to me.
QA Contact: tever → benc
It would be good to be able to disable this error message entirely, so that when
a machine is not connected to the network, I do not get regular messages about
the mail client not being able to connect to mail server.
-> docshell, as I understand it.
Assignee: gagan → dougt
My current problem (which seems to appear more often with 1.6) is the following:

My computer (Linux based) runs over night, and as I come to check the mails in
the morning, some of my IMAP connections had timeouts (some quite a lot...).
So I get quite a lot of popup boxes saying "Connection refusted/timeout etc."

After clicking about 20 popups away, all is fine :-(  If I just iconize the
popups, some stuff stops working (e.g. resolving DNS names!), so the only other
workaround would be to restart the browser :-(

Instead of getting a popup for every error, I would like to be noticed ONCE
and then have a look at some sort of status window where the latest error
messages scroll through (more detailed as suggested below).

Instead of a popup, a small red icon in the status bar could warn me of the
erros (or the failed IMAP account could be adorned by some red error icon...)

The usage of popups could be configurable.

Please improve that, it would help a lot!

Cheers, Jörg
mass reassigning to nobody.
Assignee: dougt → nobody
think this could be duped to one of multiple bugs with more recent activity.
Whiteboard: dupeme
If you read Phil's comment carefully, he said he had problems connecting to the mail start page.

So, that would be something for MailNews to deal with. I don't even know if MailNews points to an external page anymore, I think that was a Netscape6/7-ism, because they were trying to monetize everything w/ page hits.

I know this *sounds* like a Necko problem, because it is a connection error, but what I learned through experience is that the consumers were responsible for doing their own error messages in the UI after Necko returned.

So this should definitely go to mailnews, and if you don't point the start page to an external page anymore, it probably should be re-tested by hand, or made invalid.
Component: Networking → MailNews: Networking
QA Contact: benc → mailnews.networking
(In reply to comment #9)
> If you read Phil's comment carefully, he said he had problems connecting to 
> the mail start page.
> So this should definitely go to mailnews, and if you don't point the start 
> page to an external page anymore, it probably should be re-tested by hand, or 
> made invalid.

This bug is not about mail start pages, but about annoying modal popups on connection failures. Instead, such failures should be reported non-modal in the status line or some overlay icon on the account entry. Detailed error state could then reported via hover text or by clicking on the entry.
That is my point. You have to assign the bug to the component that draws the annoying modal popup.

Here's what Phil (the reporter) said: "mail start page is not available"...

So the error, described in the original bug belongs in mailnews.

The main browser uses the nice XUL pages w/ try again, because docshell was cleaned up to use this. If this happens else where in the product, you have to put the bug against that component, and bother the owners to implement it. 

If you know of any other places this still happens (there are a lot of entry points in Seamonkey/Mozilla because of a long period of network-based feature creep, you have to file individual bugs for them, and fix them in the module.

(I do like you ideas about how to replace the popups w/ something else...)
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Per comment #4 and following, this sounds mainly like bug 123440 to me.
Suggestions there include a different way to notify the user of connection problems, e.g., by highlighting an account which has problems rather than popping up potentially ambiguous (and annoying) modal dialogs. Thus, if that bug is resolved respectively, the problem here would disappear as well.
Priority: P3 → --
Target Milestone: Future → ---
duping forward
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Cleanup *dupeme* whiteboard flag from bugs that are marked as Resolved Duplicate!
Whiteboard: dupeme
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