Closed Bug 504182 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Release notes for Tb 3 beta 3


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Thunderbird 3.0b3


(Reporter: rebron, Assigned: rebron)





(1 file)

      No description provided.
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3?
Blocks: TB3.0b3
Flags: blocking-thunderbird3? → blocking-thunderbird3+
Something to add here:

Bug 490097 - Autoconfig User Interface is not localized in non-English versions of Thunderbird 3 beta3
Rafael I'v cced you a few bugs that have relnote as a keyword.
Bug 414197: linux x86-64 can't connect if lib32nss-mdns is missing. To fix, install lib32nss-mdns or set network.dns.disableIPV6 true.
Thunderbird bug for ^^^ was bug 480529.
> (comment #3) lib32nss-mdns

That's its name on Ubuntu - that package may come with a different name, or the libraries being included already in the default installation for other distros.
document ctrl+shift+C no longer does Mark All Read
Bug 502767: changing the "threading" sort in a custom view is not remember by Tb
Blocks: 502767
No longer blocks: 502767
Mention session restore somewhere and related bug 338549 and bug 501288 on password-prompting issues?
(In reply to comment #6)
> document ctrl+shift+C no longer does Mark All Read

"For Lightning users, shortcuts for opening calendar or tasks do not work. New shortcuts will be implemented in the next release. (Bug 477091)" is great but  it's still worth being explicit that ctrl+shift+C has changed to shift+C - be kind to our keyboard-centric users
Is Gloda not to be announced until b4?  I thought perhaps since part of the functionality is there that we'd suggest people try the bits at their option (since it is not on or exposed by default without customize toolbar)
Attached file latest version of release notes (deleted) —
Addition to "Tabbed Email Messages":

Also, middle-clicking on messages or folders will open them in the background by default.  Holding down shift while you middle-click will invert the behavior.

When you quit Thunderbird, the currently visible tabs will be saved.  When you next open Thunderbird, the tabs will be restored.

A new heading: "Per-Folder Message-List Columns":

The column headings that are displayed and the order in which they are displayed are now saved on a per-folder basis.  Normal folders will default to the state of the columns in the Inbox when you first enter them.  Sent folders and saved search folders will be initialized to appropriate defaults.
Re "The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C does not mark selected messages as All Read. For Lightning users, shortcuts for opening calendar or tasks do not work. Fixes to shortcuts will be implemented in the next release. (Bug 477091)":

This isn't true, it's fixed (with some l10n stuff to land later). The only thing worth noting is that "Mark All Read has changed from Ctrl+Shift+C to Shift+C". And even that is only true for windows users. Linux used to be Shift+C earlier, but not for beta2 ;) shows the Thunderbird 2.0 system requirements. Is there any 3.0/1.9.1-specific page?
(In reply to comment #14)
> shows
> the Thunderbird 2.0 system requirements. Is there any 3.0/1.9.1-specific page?

I guess you can use the Firefox system requirements for now:
The system requirements page was updated already for alpha 1, the respective
link in bug 429235 comment #51 still works (access information further up).
B3 is released now, this is complete and fixed.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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