Closed Bug 504640 Opened 15 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Animation suffers from large pauses which appear to be garbage collection


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Windows Vista
Not set





(Reporter: jrmuizel, Unassigned)




The animation at pauses every 3 seconds or so. I'm assuming this is a garbage collection problem because if you look at the memory graph in perfmon you can see a sawtooth wave with the peaks matching up with the pauses. The animation plays just fine in Chrome, Opera, and Safari, with no sawtooth wave in perfmon and no pauses. is a different version that does the same thing with a different structure for the code. It suffers the same problem.
Yes. When you remove all of the drawing from the profile we spend: 96% in js_Interpret 56% is in js_MontiorLoopEdge 39.7% is in js_NewArrayObject 39.6% is in js_GC 14.5% is in jsd_ObjectHook 10.8% is in js_FinalizeStringRT 10.1% is in array_finalize If you focus js_GC the big time users are: 27.1% in js_FinalizeStringRT, 25% of which is in free() 24.9% in array_finalize() 11.1% in PR_Lock()
The pauses are definitely caused by js_GC. (The cycle collector is not to blame.) Here is a bit of timing log, where |dt| is the time in ms taken by this collection, and |T| is the time since the last GC started (thus, the period of the pauses). The js_GC lines print out at the same time the pause occurs. I'm going to see if I can get a bit more data on why this is happening (why frequent GCs, and why so slow): js_GC dt=26.081690 T=2425.768185 js_GC dt=251.137470 T=1781.884940 js_GC dt=258.916435 T=1927.528605 js_GC dt=259.983690 T=1948.617705 js_GC dt=259.920510 T=1875.315610 js_GC dt=260.224160 T=1976.343610 cycle collector js_GC dt=78.465785 T=374.011295 js_GC dt=226.496170 T=1534.087965 js_GC dt=257.596830 T=2011.833785 js_GC dt=257.231440 T=1930.198200 js_GC dt=258.293100 T=1905.468170 js_GC dt=257.173410 T=1996.877805 js_GC dt=258.711355 T=1877.218695 js_GC dt=258.234165 T=1986.075890 js_GC dt=259.157145 T=1970.652625
Can you split the mark and sweep portions out? I have a hunch.
dt_1 is mark, dt_2 is sweep, thus 95% of GC time is in sweep. js_GC dt=258.178230 T=1841.567980 dt_1=11.310565 dt_2=246.867665 js_GC dt=261.475435 T=2018.390295 dt_1=11.494820 dt_2=249.980615 js_GC dt=263.672275 T=1887.543940 dt_1=11.124675 dt_2=252.547600 js_GC dt=265.855710 T=1885.269530 dt_1=12.292560 dt_2=253.563150
So if we were to, say, defer sweep until allocation time, and then sweep a few hundred objects per, I bet that animation would get a lot smoother?
Delayed sweeping sounds good. I'll do a quick measurement of how much sweep per allocation would work on this one. Shark profile from an optimized build that shows it's finalizers, and specifically |free|: Self Total 5.8% 100.0% js_GC 3.0% 44.6% js_FinalizeStringRT 2.6% 41.2% free 25.9% 31.0% szone_free 2.7% 39.7% js_FinalizeObject 1.0% 37.0% array_finalize(JSContext*, JSObject*) 3.1% 35.1% free 16.0% 24.8% szone_free
Depends on: 505612
We get completely owned in the iterator: for (p in countries) { var i = countries[p]; i[0](ctx, i[1], i[2]); } This is where all the string allocations come from. Number strings from 1 to very large: #0 js_NewString (cx=0x1466800, chars=0x27023040, length=2) at ../../../js/src/jsstr.cpp:2731 #1 0x00290498 in JS_NewStringCopyZ (cx=0x1466800, s=0xbfffa5c5 "65") at ../../../js/src/jsapi.cpp:5377 #2 0x0031daf7 in NumberToStringWithBase (cx=0x1466800, d=65, base=10) at ../../../js/src/jsnum.cpp:853 #3 0x0031db52 in js_NumberToString (cx=0x1466800, d=65) at ../../../js/src/jsnum.cpp:862 #4 0x00389f9f in js_ValueToString (cx=0x1466800, v=131) at ../../../js/src/jsstr.cpp:2909 #5 0x003163b2 in CallEnumeratorNext (cx=0x1466800, iterobj=0x39f25140, flags=1, rval=0xbfffa758) at ../../../js/src/jsiter.cpp:566 #6 0x00316468 in js_CallIteratorNext (cx=0x1466800, iterobj=0x39f25140, rval=0xbfffa758) at ../../../js/src/jsiter.cpp:588 #7 0x003b3447 in CallIteratorNext_tn (cx=0x1466800, pc=0x4492a4 ":", iterobj=0x39f25140) at ../../../js/src/jstracer.cpp:11846 #8 0x001c7f69 in ?? () #9 0xbfffcde8 in ?? () #10 0x003d63fa in js_MonitorLoopEdge (cx=0x1466800, inlineCallCount=@0xbfffd2b8) at ../../../js/src/jstracer.cpp:5623
(In reply to comment #8) > We get completely owned in the iterator: > > for (p in countries) { > var i = countries[p]; > i[0](ctx, i[1], i[2]); > } I assume this code would perform better: for (var p = 0; p < countries.length; ++p) { var i = countries[p]; i[0](ctx, i[1], i[2]); } I also note that in this situation, p is only used as an array index. Would it be at all possible to optimize the original kind of loop to avoid the string conversions back and forth?
(In reply to comment #9) > (In reply to comment #8) > > We get completely owned in the iterator: > > > > for (p in countries) { > > var i = countries[p]; > > i[0](ctx, i[1], i[2]); > > } > > I assume this code would perform better: > > for (var p = 0; p < countries.length; ++p) { > var i = countries[p]; > i[0](ctx, i[1], i[2]); > } Yup. > I also note that in this situation, p is only used as an array index. Would it > be at all possible to optimize the original kind of loop to avoid the string > conversions back and forth? The original JS implementation I did at Netscape in 1995, and the SpiderMonkey rewrite of it in 1996 (which reused a lot of code but switched to GC from ref counting and added jsval in place of a fat discriminated union), both would keep int type for the for-in loop variable if the property was an index. ECMA "fixed" this to require string. Oh well. Andreas and I talked about optimizing this. We might want a magic string subtype, or possibly something more magic (like a pseudo-boolean) to represent "indexes". It wouldn't need to store the chars. Computing any given digit is easy (unsigned div and mod). I suggested a spin-out bug, not sure Andreas filed it yet. /be
Seems like we could refactor CallIteratorNext to specialize for the integer case, since we can see that we're dealing with an array, and that we're only using as an integer. No doubt some tricky edges there, but worth another bug. (For that specific case, if we can guard on "simple dense array with length N", then the loop changes to a simple integer sequence...)
Specializing jsiter.cpp for int is not a problem, the issue is required language semantics. If you try to iterate internally over int index values, you will need a barrier to stringify for typeof, +, and other operators that can tell string from int. /be
Index optimization filed as bug 505818.
(In reply to comment #11) > Seems like we could refactor CallIteratorNext CallEnumeratorNext, for reference. Lacking a magic type, we have to stringify here per ECMA-262. /be
(In reply to comment #9) > I assume this code would perform better: > It does (in all browsers), but we still get the pauses.
The remaining pause is recompilation. We currently recompile after each GC. Bug for that is filed already.
(In reply to comment #16) > The remaining pause is recompilation. We currently recompile after each GC. Bug > for that is filed already. Do you mean bug 506117? I'm still seeing pauses with a Minefield nightly from Sept. 14.
(In reply to comment #17) > (In reply to comment #16) > > The remaining pause is recompilation. We currently recompile after each GC. Bug > > for that is filed already. > > Do you mean bug 506117? That bug is not enough. It should block a bug about not purging JITted code on every GC, and this bug should depend on that bug. /be
bug 508707 does what #18 asks for. Adding the dependency.
Depends on: 508707
#19: I meant bug 506117.
(In reply to comment #19) > bug 508707 does what #18 asks for. Adding the dependency. Andreas reminded me it was bug 506117 that did this, after I pointed out that bug 508707 wasn't the bug ;-). /be
Depends on: 506117
No longer depends on: 508707
I wonder if bug 482853 and bug 482204 are this, too?
Looking at the GC log in the error console (via javascript.options.mem.log = true), I see GC pause times of 12ms. Seems fixed by general GC improvements and igc.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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