Closed Bug 519924 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

a virus problem when i connect to some webs can say what ones cause it differs


(Firefox :: Security, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: bryan_sheila, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3

at leat 2 a days now on this pc and our laptop when i connect to some websites i get this thing that comes up look like my computer and say like c drive 17 trojans d rive 10 trojans download this  to get rid of it and it will not go away until ido alt crontrol delte and swich firefox off it has been happening the last 4 or 5 days  

i dont know where to report this or if it is a bug with firefox sorry if it going to the wrong place but to me it is bad i have scanned pc with nod and with bitdefender and they both find nothing

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1.alt ctrl dlete
2.have to switch off web site that it comes up in before it reloads
3.loses bar at bottom which tells you website is loading
Actual Results:  
when i do steps above it dont sim to come back for a little bit

Expected Results:  
hot sure what to write here just thought i would let u know about it 

worst part is my wife thinks it is our pc screen which is bad it ask u to download a exe file to get rid of them  i only use firefox i hate explorer  so dont know if the same problem with it or just a bug for firefox

if i have sent this to the wrong people can u forward it to the right ppl please and i have put under securtiy as i think it is and i not a pc expert to know where to send 

thanks very much :-) i have put under critical cause i have to switch firefox off by alt ctrl delte again sory if it wrong
Please use (Forums). You don't get help here because
bugzilla is a bug database for the developers and this doesn't seem to be a
firefox bug.

About your problem : those websites that claim to scan your hard disk are FAKES ! Really ! That's why regular anti-virus or anti-malware scanners don't find anything, becuase there isn't any problem.

They always claim that they have found a problem (even if the browser is not running on a Windows PC at all), and offer a download to you, which is always given, even if you press the cancel button. It's just an attempt to install a trojan (or malware) in your computer (yes, the download IS the trojan, not the solution). It might also be an extortion attempt (they always claim that you need to pay in order to fix your problem. Do not run the application at all. Ever. Never send any money to this low-life scum (excuse my words).

On the other hand, you don't have to be very afraid for the file either, there's no reason to press ctrl-alt-del. Even if the download starts, you can still press cancel in the dialog that follows (where Firefox asks what to do with it). Even if you miss that, and it's downloaded, you're not affected, it just sits in the download folder. As long as you don't run it, you're safe. Make sure that it's deleted as soon as possible. Your anti-virus or malware scanner might warn you about it (and quarantine it), but that's their job.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
ok thanks you for the help  but to get rid of it i have to alt crtl delte and close firefox cause this thing keep coming up when i cancel close by x it always there and cant close firefox normally and when firefox reload with the tabs i have to quickly close tab that it was on to stop it but it does come back about 2 time a day  that y i thought it might have baan a bug in secutiy 

thanks anyway :-)
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Yeah, those are things like Personal Anti-virus, and what not. i recommend you run malwarebytes, and see what is comes up with.
Closed: 15 years ago15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
INVALID is not really the right resolution, we should dupe this to the bug where we're working on letting users get on with their lives rather than get stuck having to kill Firefox.

I don't have that one handy so I'll dupe to the "eviltraps" meta bug
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