Closed Bug 523385 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

sort out remaining issues with debug unittests


(Testing :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ted, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

We've had unittests on debug builds running for a while now, and they're basically all running, just failing in various ways right now. I'm filing this as a tracking bug, I'll file separate bugs for each distinct issue I come across.
Depends on: 523394
Depends on: 519196
Depends on: 523672
Depends on: 520445
Blocks: 507540
Depends on: 523934
Depends on: 523974
Depends on: 524006
Depends on: 524035
Depends on: 524093
No longer depends on: 524093
Depends on: 524014
Depends on: 523998
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 524457
No longer depends on: 524457
Depends on: 525007
Depends on: 525100
Depends on: 525315
Depends on: 525356
Depends on: 527080
Depends on: 527084
No longer depends on: 527084
Depends on: 527102
ted, dbaron: any ETA when this would be fixed, and we can stop running those extra builds?
The main blocker is taking one of the xserves offline, debugging bug 524014 on it, and fixing it.  Then we can see what else there is to do on the Macs.
I believe the only reason bug 526601 and bug 496019 were on the dependency list of this bug was because they were then thought to block bug 525356, which is now fixed independently of them.  I'm removing them from the dependency list here.
No longer depends on: 496019, 526601
Now that bug 524014 is fixed, I enabled the Mac debug mochitest boxes on Firefox and TraceMonkey trees.

I still need to investigate whether the Mac debug everythingelse has build-specific orange.
No longer depends on: 527102
I made bug 527102 no longer block this bug, because while it is a mac-debug-only random orange, it's not nearly frequent enough to block turning on the tests (one occurrence in the past 2 days).
Depends on: 538462
I enabled the Mac debug everythingelse on Firefox and TraceMonkey since bug 538462 seems to have gone away spontaneously.  Though we might need to undo that if it comes back equally spontaneously.
Er, actually, it was already enabled on TraceMonkey; I only enabled it on Firefox.
Looks like that stuck, so removing bug 538462 from dependency list and resolving as fixed.
Closed: 15 years ago
No longer depends on: 538462
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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