Minimize button "flickers" and refuses to minimize firefox on Windows 7
(Core :: Widget: Win32, defect)
(Reporter: bab5470, Unassigned)
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Comment 16•13 years ago
Comment 17•4 years ago
I have just encountered this bug on Firefox 51.0 so it has not been fixed.
I have however through experience possibly identified the cause, and it's not necessarily firefox itself. some tracking cookies or html5 cookies (they call it storage, but legally it's the same thing just hidden outside the cookie archive) are programs which attempt to grab the users mouse pointer location or take screengrabs and upload such to their spyhost (google) by interjecting an interrupt followed by a screengrab over normal I/O operations (mouse and keyboard interactions) when there is an unexpected change. This interruption can cause buttons to not be clicked the first time (note it's different than with overlaid invisible layers on web pages which dissappear after click and do some function, instead these actively interrupt correct opperation of the hardware to instead collect that action and send it over the internet to Google's profile on you.)
In short if you use google or enable too many tracking javascripts, there is a slight chance when you click the minimize button those scripts/cookies/html5storagecookies could actually interrupt your leftclick just before the button is properly triggered, sending it into a flickering and unresponsive state (it thinks it has been clicked, but not released, but release is true on the mouse).
Category; spyware. malware. = Google.
note; facebook also sometimes causes these interrupts. it can get really bad if you have multiple trackers conflicting for your data.
delete all google and facebook cookies (it will log you out of these websites, including their services like youtube, google maps, google scholar google translate etc.)
Flush all html5storage. (again this will log you out of those websites)
close and reopen firefox.
install no script and some form of tracker blocker and cookie manager. always block javascripts from google, googleanalytics or etc. delete google cookies after use.
It's a malicious world out there, stay off google and facebook most of the time and you'll do fine.
Why would google do that?
they quantify data about your browsing habits to make a profile to compare your activities with others, and sell it with a thousand others to the highest bidding company (usually advertisers, but market research companies and professionals with-in large companies also buy and use this data.). Knowing where your mousepointer is and what it hovered over or what you typed (search "keylogger") is valuable to them. Also knowing what ads are loaded if any is also valuable hence screengrabs to verify that not only was your mousepointer somewhere on the screen near an ad, but also what specific ad was loaded. Also they grab information about switching tabs, minimizing and maximizing your browser and window position and XY sizes because they want to see what you're upto based off what was on the page. I have even caught the interrupt happening when switching application windows, they attempt to take a screengrab of what you are doing in some other application that you're switching to, because they could also profit by selling personal information and company secrets, dev code etc.
keep in mind google wont look away when you are entering usernames and passwords, they want to ensure they gather all your usernames so they can identify you even if you clear everything and open a page with google scripts again then login to somewhere else. "ah that account is used by ad ID 1213983718, append this information to that profile (thought you could get away did you?).
If you really get the hinkering to stop using google, you can watch resource monitor (inside task manager) and find the IP addresses that these scripts attempt to communicate with, and block them and any similar IP ranges in your firewall settings, incoming and outgoing separately. downside= you will have to disable those firewall rules to use anything google, including recaptcha (we really need a non-spyware captcha host).
but yeah it would be nice to have a secure firefox which doesn't allow scripts to keylog to grab mousepointer anything or do I/O interrupts or screengrabs. Just block those codewords (don't program the browser to know what they mean (by having the browser interpret the code with a custom interpreter library that omits those codewords) so the browser doesn't understand them.
I really hate google.