Closed Bug 52613 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

M0.8 failed to start under AIX


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gabriel, Assigned: jdunn)




Tested M17 under AIX 4.3.2. Here's the output: ./ ./mozilla-bin MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. LIBRARY_PATH=. SHLIB_PATH=. LIBPATH=. ADDON_PATH=. MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin MOZ_TOOLKIT= moz_debug=0 moz_debugger= ************************************************** nsNativeComponentLoader: GetFactory(/usr/local/package/components/ Load FAILED with error: No such file or directory ************************************************** ************************************************** nsNativeComponentLoader: GetFactory(/usr/local/package/components/ Load FAILED with error: No such file or directory ************************************************** I then installed GTK+, and tried again, but the result was still the same.
Maybe a good idea to ask around on to see if anyone else has problems with the AIX build or perhaps grap the source tarball and compile it yourself. If you don't like IRC then you could always try the Mozilla newsgroups.
over to Build COnfig
Assignee: asa → cls
Component: Browser-General → Build Config
QA Contact: doronr → granrose
Punting to aix guru.
Assignee: cls → jdunn
You installed gtk & glib but where are they installed into? And have you set LIBPATH to those directories. Due to internal networking issues, I have built against gtk/glib that are at /builds/local/lib. Therefore unless you installed gtk/glib into /builds/local/lib or /usr/lib you will have to add an extra LIBPATH.
Well, my copy of libgtk is in in /usr/local/lib (that's where SMIT put it). I tried adding this directory to LIBPATH, but I still got the same message: ./ ./mozilla-bin MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/usr/local/lib/ LIBRARY_PATH=.:/usr/local/lib/ SHLIB_PATH=.:/usr/local/lib/ LIBPATH=.:/usr/local/lib/ ADDON_PATH=. MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin MOZ_TOOLKIT= moz_debug=0 moz_debugger= ************************************************** nsNativeComponentLoader: GetFactory(/usr/local/package/components/ Load FAILED with error: No such file or directory ************************************************** ************************************************** nsNativeComponentLoader: GetFactory(/usr/local/package/components/ Load FAILED with error: No such file or directory **************************************************
I also tried a symlink from /builds to /usr; still getting the same msg.
and I am sure that everything is there but please confirm: /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ also exist... Thanks
No, I have the .a (static ?) versions of all those libraries. depends on -lXext and it assumes that this is in /usr/lib So can you check to see if /usr/lib/libXext.a exists on your machine? If not could you try doing a symbolic link from /usr/lpp/X11/lib/R6/libXext.a -> /usr/lib/libXext.a
That link is there already.
It seems that there is something missing in my gtk+ install: root@xxx:/usr/local/lib/gtk+-1.2/examples/base/ ./base exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./base because of the following errors: 0509-027 Member is not found or file is not an archive. 0509-027 Member is not found or file is not an archive. 0509-022 Cannot load library libgtk.a[]. 0509-026 System error: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. So I'll try and look into that. In the meantime if you have any suggestions please let me know.
Ok, I think this has to do with GTK, how it is built and how it is setup on the machine. I built my glib & gtk from source and built shared libs. This produced .so's which are then linked into various pieces of mozilla and you need SHARED libs not static. If you try to link static, it won't work. The reason is because libgtk is linked in by several mozilla .so's. If you link a static lib into a .so, the aix linker will 'import' the symbols into the .so. So if you link libgtk into several .so's, you will have duplicate symbols and if there are any globals (which there are) in libgtk, then there will be 'several' of them within 'mozilla'. So you REALLY need a shared version of libgtk. In looking at ALL of the the pre-built versions of libgtk for AIX out there, I couldn't find one that had a shared version, they all seemed to be static. Now I did find some .so's, however they were named weird (, however I link against IMHO: the solution is that someone needs to produce a common set of libraries that we can build against and use. As soon as we have them, I can start building against them. Due to GPL issues, I can't distribute my pre-built binaries, so it will have to be someone else. Until then, I believe I am the only able to run the binaries that I am putting up on mozilla... (I have a M18, but am not distributing, because... why bother).
Blocks: 18688
Ok, I'm confused. What LGPL issue prevents you from distributing those gtk libs? Regardless, given IBMs stance on "Open Source" software, they surely have a repository of free software like SGI's and Sun's ?
I think we can close this... I just got Moz 0.8 up on mozilla's site based on BULL's gtk/glib binaries. The problem with posting our own is that I really have to hack up the gtk/glib makefile and config scripts to get it to build... and I don't have the time and the resources to not only build mozilla, but to re-post the gtk/glib sources that are needed. However, I did convince BULL into rebuilding their distributions with the correct flags and I am able to base my work on their libs... As far as the newly release AIX binaries for gtk/glib, they require AIX 4.3.3, and I am still working on AIX 4.3.2. I could upgrade but now that I can work with the BULL libs, there is no need to. M17 will still fail to start... but mozilla 0.8 is now working... closing this as fixed. the aix build page has a link to the bull ftp site (
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Ermmmm...ok, I see the comments, but I still can't find the libraries I need. I'm using aix 4.3.2 (no possibility of upgrading). So WHERE THE HELL ARE THE LIBRARIES ???
Well in my 2/25/2001 update... go to Go down to "How do I build", either build the libs your self or grab them from Bull's site. I directed you to the aix page (and not to the bull site) because that is where I usually put info... in this case the bull site and the fact that you need gtk/glib & gettext from Bull's site.
Erm, I already downloaded and installed from the bull site - that was before I reported this bug. That was I why I was complaining. I just noticed your comment though about persuading Bull to rebuild the libraries, so I will give it another try.
NOTE: I also put a mozilla 0.8 build up on the site that works with the gtk+/glib/gettext libs that are on bull's site. Apparently they also work with the gtk packages that IBM has posted as well.
I am still having problems with this. I downloaded the latest from Bull, and I now have the following files: /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ I tried running mozilla-powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.2.0-0.8 but I am still getting the same error, even after adding /usr/lib to all the environment variables: ./ ./mozilla-bin MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/usr/lib LIBRARY_PATH=.:./components:/usr/lib SHLIB_PATH=.:/usr/lib LIBPATH=.:/usr/lib ADDON_PATH=. MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin MOZ_TOOLKIT= moz_debug=0 moz_debugger= md5sum not found. ************************************************** nsNativeComponentLoader: GetFactory(/usr/local/mozilla/components/ Load FAILED with error: No such file or directory ************************************************** I also tried creating symlinks from e.g /usr/local/lib/ --> /usr/lib/ and also from /build to /usr as before, but to no avail. I can now run the gtk base example, so I think that the error must be in mozilla. Note also that I am now only getting one error message instead of two before (that's an improvement I suppose !) I'm updating the title to moz 0.8
Summary: M17 failed to start under AIX → M0.8 failed to start under AIX
How did what you downloaded from BULL end up in /usr/lib? The default path (and I am not sure if you can change it) will be /usr/local/lib. And the libs in there should be glib/gtk/gettext (you need all three, else it won't load). Please check your libdirs again (or please explain how gtk/glib would up in /usr/lib)
The files are in /usr/lib because that is where the (current) installation puts them (I can attach a listing of the file sets if you like). Surely that should not affect anything anyway ? I also tried reinstalling gettext, but the problem did not go away. Is there supposed to be a libgettext somewhere, because I don't see one.
hmmmm The stuff I downloaded from bull installed into /usr/local. from I downloaded glib Since I know of no way to change where installp puts the libs I don't know how they got in /usr/lib, unless you have a symbolic link from /usr/local to /usr. NOTE: the gettext stuff, I believe is libintl.a.
I have upgraded the OS from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 recently. I can now start up mozilla 0.9.1 under aix.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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