Open Bug 538803 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Attachment area persistent on slow IMAP connections


(Thunderbird :: Message Reader UI, defect)

Windows XP


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: arik, Unassigned)


(Depends on 2 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20091204 Lightning/1.0b2pre Thunderbird/3.0

If a message with attachments is selected in the messages list, a attachment area pops up at the bottom of the message window.

If the attachements are however large (or numerous) and the user navigates quickly to another message in the messages list, the attachment area persists in the message window.

The window shows the new message text and below the "old" attachments. This can be very confusing.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to a message with large attachments on an IMAP account
2. Rapidly navigate to another message without attachments

Actual Results:  
Attachment area persists in the message window.

Expected Results:  
Attachment area should disappear instantly on navigating away from the first message.
Version: unspecified → 3.0
When trying to reproduce, navigate away from the message with attachments BEFORE the attachment area actually pops up in the message window. (In my case this takes 3-5 seconds for a particularly large message.)

The problem occurred with a message with 7 attachments totalling about 17 Mb...
Do you have offline synchronization enabled for that account?

Was the message synchronized already when you tried that?
(i.e., no apparent network activity during access)
(P.S. to comment #2)
> Do you have offline synchronization enabled for that account?

Tools > Account Settings > /account/ > Synchronization & Storage
for folders: right-click on a folder, Properties > Synchronization
Offline synchronization is enabled and according to GlodaQuilla the message is "on Disk", i.e. message was synchronized.

I just assumed it was due to a slow IMAP connection because the attachment area takes so long to show up... 5 seconds for UI to change for a local message is unexpected. - Though admittedly, the message is not a everyday email message.
Keywords: perf
Arik, do you still see this with version 3.1?
Keywords: perf
Yes, the trick is to navigate away from the message containing the attachments BEFORE it has had a chance to load. You then see the text of the message without attachments and below the attachment panel with the attachments of the previously selected message.
Perhaps same problem as bug 533499.
See Bug 612279 for "steps to reproduce problem consistently" with IMAP. Trick in the bug is "very quick switch of mail by delete key".
Arik, how does this behave for you in version 7 with the new attachment display?
Whiteboard: [closeme 2011-10-26]
Wayne, the problem persists with version 7.
I thought I should amend my initial bug report with one detail that might aid in the hunt for the origin of this behaviour:

The attachment area does not only persist in the message view area, but also the "navigated-to message" in the message list gains a paper clip icon: only the "navigated-to message" may not have any attachments. The icon somehow originates from the not yet fully loaded message with attachments.
Arik is your problem visible when you start Thunderbird in -safe-mode (see ?
Whiteboard: [closeme 2011-10-26]
Ludovic, the problem persists in safe mode.

Some further information:

- It appears the speed of the IMAP connection is irrelevant. Even with already downloaded messages the issue occurs.
- I cannot reproduce the issue with a message with a size of 1.5MB.
- But I can reproduce the issue with a message with a size of 17 MB.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Select a folder with downloaded messages that contains a message with lage attachments.
2. Sort by message size and select largest message.
3. The message and the attachment area (i.e. (+)-sign and text "X attachtments") is displayed.
4. Sort e.g. by message date. Hopefully the message preceeding or following the currently selected one is fairly small.
5. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to e.g. navigate one message up.
6. Then in fairly rapid succession (but not ULTRA-rapidly!) navigate with arrow keys to the large message and back again. (Navigate back BEFORE the text of the large message is shown.)
7. You should now have the text of the smaller message with the attachment area of the large message.

Should the title be edited now that it appears that this has nothing at all to do with the IMAP connection?
Severity: normal → S3
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