Closed Bug 561565 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Service for capturing content as Rich Text for DevonThink doesn't work/isn't available


(Camino Graveyard :: Toolbars & Menus, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ed.eubanks, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en; rv: Gecko/2010021619 Camino/2.0.2 (like Firefox/3.0.18)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en; rv: Gecko/2010021619 Camino/2.0.2 (like Firefox/3.0.18)

With Snow Leopard's more selective availability of Services, Camino no longer has access to a Service provided by DevonTechnologies' DevonThink database for creating a new Rich Text Note from selected content (the related Service, "Append Rich Text Note," is also unavailable).
This Service was available in Camino running under Leopard, and is still available in Safari and a few other browsers under Snow Leopard.
Other Services from DevonThink are fully functional: "Take Plain Text Note" and "Append Plain Text Note" are available.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Select text from any website.
2. Go to Camino >> Services
3. Find that "Take Plain Text Note" and "Append Plain Text Note" are the only DevonThink Services available.
Actual Results:  
All notes taken in Camino must be only in plain text format, meaning that formatting, hyperlinks, and other content is essentially lost.

Expected Results:  
Taking notes in Rich Text format ought to be available for any selected text, regardless of the presence of formatting, etc.

No themes present.
Under 10.5, did "Take Rich Text Note" actually *work* properly? Or was it simply in the menu but non-functional?
Oh yeah -- and what other browsers is this working in under 10.6 besides just Safari? Does it work in the latest version of Firefox? How about in Firefox 3.0.x (which is equivalent to Camino 2.0.x) or Firefox 3.6.x (which is roughly equivalent to the experimental build I had you try)?
I just tested it with a Mac running 10.5, and the menu option wasn't there. It was in the menu, however-- along with the hundreds of other Services.

The Service appears and functions in the following browsers: FireFox (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3); OmniWeb (5.9.2, v622.6.1, revision 111015); and Safari of course. 

It does NOT show up in the following browsers: Chrome (v 5.0.342.9 beta); Opera (v 10.10, build 6795); and Camino.
Oh, it also works with NetNewsWire (v3.2b28) AND Fluid (v0.9.6).
(It goes without saying that the Services work flawlessly in DevonAgent, right?)
(In reply to comment #3)
> I just tested it with a Mac running 10.5, and the menu option wasn't there. It
> was in the menu, however-- along with the hundreds of other Services.

This doesn't make any sense; was the Service in the menu, or not?
It IS in the Services menu under 10.5, but doesn't work. In 10.6, it ISN'T in the Services menu.
(In reply to comment #6)
> This doesn't make any sense; was the Service in the menu, or not?

Rereading my comment, it sounds a little harsh; sorry, that's not how I intended it to sound :(

(In reply to comment #7)
> It IS in the Services menu under 10.5, but doesn't work. In 10.6, it ISN'T in
> the Services menu.

Ah, OK.  So on 10.5, the Service is in the menu, enabled (selectable) but it doesn't work (produces no output, or incorrect output), or it's not enabled?

Sorry for the 20 questions; trying to get a better feel for exactly what the behavior is on 10.5 for comparison purposes.
No worries, Smokey. In 10.5, the Service is in the menu, but grayed out (not enabled, I'm assuming). It's inaccessible altogether.
So I downloaded DEVONthink Pro 2.0.2, installed on 10.6.3.

Logged out and logged in to make sure those services where enabled.

1. Using a Gecko 1.9.2 based Camino build (equivalent to Firefox 3.6.3), I selected some text including links & images. In the service menu I found a 'Take Rich Note' entry. That works correctly (given the limitations of Gecko's RTF clipboard) - a 'rich text' note is created in the DevonThink app [1].

2. Using Camino 2.0.2, selecting the same text only offers a 'Take Plain Note' entry. I think that is pretty normal, as Gecko 1.9.0 (used by Camino 2.0) doesn't support a RTF clipboard.
Using Firefox 3.0.18, there are no services available at all (that browser doesn't support the service menu.)

[1] screenshot:,
taken on this bug page, with part of comment 8 selected.

The Camino build used in point 1 above is available here:
Hi Philippe, thanks for that information.

I'm curious: the build you pointed to (which uses Gecko 1.9.2) is plainly labeled "Highly Experimental" which, to my non-developer eyes, translates as "unstable and not yet usable." Indeed, the page says, "it may eat all the cheese in your house" (which I know is a joke, but still the disclaimers everywhere are not especially encouraging).

So I guess my next question is, at what point does this more full-featured version get stable enough for my use?
So, in the end, this is sort-of a dupe of bug 180625, just with a twist (10.6's hiding of Services that aren't supported vs. previously they were present and disabled).

(In reply to comment #11)
> So I guess my next question is, at what point does this more full-featured
> version get stable enough for my use?

A bunch of nightly testers have been using these builds as daily-use builds for the past few months and the builds are pretty stable, on par with the regular nightly builds[1] (though there are still a number of behavioral regressions from 2.0.2).  When we first posted the first of these 1.9.2-based builds a couple months ago, however, we had no idea what sorts of things might be broken, so the heavy disclaimers were appropriate. 

Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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