Closed Bug 57455 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

innumerable Plug-in dialogs if content area is resized


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: serhunt)




From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i686; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001013
BuildID:    2000101308

While viewing I was greeted with a dialog telling me
that I didn't have the Java Plug-In. This is true, and I dismissed it because i
felt no need to view the "punch the monkey" ad. Unfortunately, I tried to resize
the mozilla window, and apparently at every step alog the way, the Java Plug-In
dialog was called. Fortunately the Modal dialog doesn't affect my resizing of
the window, and I was able to do it with only two clickaways to the dialog.
This bug would be simply irritating if this was the only case. However, if I try
to resize the sidebar, the dialog pops up and I have to dismiss it. When it
leaves, i am still moving the sidebar panel and it pops up again. Suffice to
say, this gets irritating very quickly. It essentially means that I can't resize
the sidebar on a page wher i don't have a plugin. And once I try, I end up
getting into a somewhat infinate loop. (to get out of it you have to click so
you "drop" the sidebar panel in the same position it was when the dilog was

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Go to a web site with a plugin (Java) that you don't have
mozillazine is good for this because of their recent facination with the
"scratch-off" and "punch-the-monkey" ads
2.Try to resize the content area -- resize the window or the sidebar.
3.become irritated when you have to click through dialogs when you resize the window
4.become depressed when you get stuck in a loop trying to resize the sidebar.

Actual Results:  Dialog pops up every time the content area is resized.

Expected Results:  Mozilla should remember my choice and not ask me when I
havn't reloaded the page. (should the plug-in check ocurr earlier in the
rendering process? -- a resize shouldn't prompt a reload of a plugin - Might be
a bigger problem)

Tested under linux, but I will check Win98 as well.
Win98 appears to manage a lack of plug-ins differently. In Win98 I am greeted
with a box on the page that says "click here to get the plugin." Since no modal
dialog comes up, this Platform doesn't have this problem.
Assignee: trudelle → av
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets → Plug-ins
QA Contact: jrgm → shrir
Does the problem still exist if you leave the page and come back?
Yes the problem exists any time I view the page. The box only pops up when I
resize the window horizontally. (exactly what the sidebar does.)

To update what happens with the sidebar:
Resizing the entire window isn't a problem because You can resize the window
behind a modal dialog, but when I resize the side bar, it causes an
almost-infinate loop. When the dialog pops up it still thinks i am dragging the
side bar when the mouse focu returns to the mozilla window. the sidebar jumps
and the process continues until you VERY CAREFULLY position the cursor back onto
the window in EXACTLY the same place as the sidebar so you don't resize it.

The only workaround I see to avoid the infinate loop is to not resize the
scrollbar on pages missing a plugin - (how you tell the user that I don't know)

If this is considered an infinate loop (like the old javascript no-no in Nav2
onfocus(alert) of a text box) What priority should this get?

I just downloaded the latest trunk build (2000102221) and continue to se this
problem. It took me a few minutes this time to get out of the loop. from what i
can tell you have to position the mouse PERFECTLY so that you don't resize the
sidebar. Very hard for the average user to do. (well not the average linux user) :-)
Confirming - this is happening with Linux 20001024.
Ever confirmed: true
Not a Netscape 6 RTM blocker. FUTURE. This bug has been marked Future because
the Netscape engineer it is assigned to is overburdened.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
*** Bug 59696 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This makes it impossible for me to use certain pages, because of the extra
reflows triggered sometimes by animated GIFs.  For example,

Nominating for mozilla 0.9.  Shouldn't there be a way to just make the null
plugin pop up only once per page?
Keywords: mozilla0.9
This bug is going to become more and more like an infinate loop as performance
in rendering and in the app in general increase. I admit that 136 bugs (at time
of writing) does seem like a lot, but if possible, could we bump this up from
"future". Is it possible to implement the same interface in linux as in windows
for no plugin? (Namely the empty box with the plugin icon and the text: Click
here to get the plugin." ? )
Sounds like the NULL plugin (Default/Plugin Finder) isn't being picked up on 
your install or it's not there. Check about:plugins to confirm. If you have the 
tree, you can manually build it or it should come with almost any download. 
Otherwise, this could be a dup of bug 61361 or bug 58644. Adding qawanted
Keywords: qawanted
The prompt to download the plugin *is* the null plugin, right?
Yes, with one exception. If you don't have null plugin (aka default plugin, aka 
plugin downloader plugin) then you will see a prompt to download the null 
plugin, and this is certanly not the null plugin. In the original report we talk 
null plugin I beleive.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
OK, the dialog i was talking about was the "default" plugin. Thats how it refers
to itself in the window and in about:plugins. the file name is
and so i assume it is the Null plugin.

However, Something has happened that I no longer see this dialog if I resize the
screen. I just downloaded build 2001-02-18-21 and no longer see this problem.
The dialog appears once each time i reload the page. I can now resize the window
and sidebar without having an infinate loop occur. 

Since mozillazine is no longer using the "punch-the-monkey" ad, You can't test
it there. Changing URL to where, if you don't have the java plugin,
you will be presented with the dialog. 

I am marking the bug as fixed as well, even though I don't know what fixed it.
It would be best if we figured out what happened here so that it doesn't happen
again. If anyone disagrees with this please reopen it and give me a good swift kick.
thisi s not happening anymore on 20010517 linux trunk .
Keywords: qawanted
this is happening again for "application/x-shockwave-flash".  this behaviour
doesn't happen with the java pluggin anymore as far as I can tell.  

URL tested:  (flash ads)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3+) Gecko/20010823

from about:plugins: 
Installed plug-ins
Find more information about browser plug-ins at Netscape Netcenter.

Default Plugin

    File name: /home/neil/moz/823/plugins/
The default plugin handles plugin data for mimetypes and extensions that are not
specified and facilitates downloading of new plugins.

Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
* All types .* Yes
Resolution: FIXED → ---
*** Bug 97320 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 83754
the shockwave problem is not apparent anymore.   suggest resolved/worksforme.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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