Closed Bug 594561 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Mobile Add-ons Gallery Project


( Graveyard :: Webdev, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: clooney, Assigned: malexis)


Overview: The mobile team would like to improve the mobile Add-ons Manager user experience. Add-ons are a critical feature of Firefox mobile and search and discovery plus install workflow needs to be improved upon. We are looking for some design support and a Webdev resource who can help make some changes to make searching for and learning about add-ons more friendly and readable. Project Scope: Some design work, development and QA is needed. For phase 1, the design is more or less complete and needs to be implemented by September 16. The page will link to a remote page which we would like done (mobile friendly) by end of September (~September 22) Dependencies: Other: Development resource - Craig Cook? Chris Howse? Design resource - Madhava plus Sean or Chris? Assumptions: -Dedicated Webdev resource -Learn more page for desktop is complete so we can create mobile friendly version (and filter mobile only add-ons) Deliverables: I've been watching the desktop Get Add-ons pane redesign go by, and I was thinking that we could take some steps in that direction with a few styling changes and the addition of a "What are Add-ons" block. This is the implemented desktop design, for reference (you may all have seen it): Here is the mobile design draft: Design for phase 1 is more or less complete.
The desktop design has taken months to get to where it is (and it hasn't been implemented yet). Expecting turnaround on a fresh project within a week is unrealistic. This is the first mobile page on AMO, we have no framework, prior code, URL structure, or development devices to test on. Additionally, we're very busy and can't provide dedicated resources to you. Let's step back and get the design finished with whatever style changes you want, and then we can talk about where it fits in to the schedule.
Thanks Wil, just looking for Webdev to help implement one remote, mobile-friendly page. Regardless, Nick, Finkle and Madhava will powwow to get something up and running by beta.
Perhaps this bug's requirements have changed based on our meeting this morning, but if not, I'm a bit confused about what you'd actually like implemented on the webdev/AMO side. The mock above shows Fennec's Add-ons Manager, which would obviously have to be done by the mobile team. What page are you looking to be built on AMO?
I think we can disregard this plan per our discussion this AM. This was one idea Madhava and I were hoping to drive before we upleveled it to a large group/effort.
Ok, sounds good.
Group: mozilla-corporation-confidential
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: → Graveyard
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