Closed Bug 608529 Opened 14 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail / offline-use=on (multipart/mixed mail. Saved .EML file = partial mail payload lines of multipart/mixed + whole mail data lines)


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

1.9.2 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sb56637, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/534.7
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.6


This problem just started with new messages that arrived since I upgraded to 3.1.6. I receive a new message over IMAP with Gmail, I see it has the attachment paperclip icon, I click on it, and the message loads and then the paperclip disappears and it shows me a blank message. I should mention that both times this has happened, the message consisted of just a picture that somebody sent me (also from Gmail) without text.

Thanks for the help!

Reproducible: Always
Can you produce your problem with -safe-mode of Tb(thunderbird.exe -safe-mode)?
Do you use add-on of CompactHeader?
If yes, CompactHeader 1.3.0 beta x instead of CompactHeader 1.2.4?
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yes, same thing in -safe-mode. 
I don't user CompactHeader, I only use Lightning, FireTray, and the Spanish dictionary extensions.
Which version did you upgrade from? 3.1.5? Does anything appear on the error console when you click on the message?

Is there a message you could attach to the bug, after saving as a .eml file?
Hi there,

Yes, I upgraded from 3.1.5. There don't appear to be any error messages on the console when I click on the message. I am attaching the message.

Either your offline store or disk cache are corrupted. The first thing to try is tools, options, advanced, network and disk space tab, click the clear now button, and restart TB. If that doesn't fix it, right click on the folder containing the message, pick properties, and click the repair button.
Mail data consists of;
(1) multipart/alternative part data (text/plain, text/html in it)
(2) partial data of image/jpeg (last part of multipart/mixed mail)
(3) Without [CRLF], mail headers follows(multipart/mixed mail)
(4) multipart/alternative part data(text/plain, text/html in it)
(5) full data of image/jpeg (last part of multipart/mixed mail)

It looks next;
(1)+(2) : Data of Fetch by download on demand, with Display Attachments Inline,
          Or full mail body of multipart/mixed mail by fetch body[]. 
(3)+(4)+(5) : Whole mail data of fetch body[] by auto-sync
It seems multipart/mixed mail version of Bug 587528/Bug 604620.
Setting dependency to Bug 587528 for ease of tracking and search.
Depends on: 587528
Summary: Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail → Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail (saved .EML file = partial mail body data + whole mail data)
S.W.B.(bug opener), offlin-use=on folder? (Folder Properties/Synchronization)
Summary: Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail (saved .EML file = partial mail body data + whole mail data) → Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail (multipart/mixed mail. saved .EML file = partial mail payload lines of mltipart/mixed + whole mail data lines)
Component: General → Networking: IMAP
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
QA Contact: general → networking.imap
Version: unspecified → 1.9.2 Branch
(In reply to comment #9)
> S.W.B.(bug opener), offlin-use=on folder? (Folder Properties/Synchronization)

Summary: Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail (multipart/mixed mail. saved .EML file = partial mail payload lines of mltipart/mixed + whole mail data lines) → Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail / offline-use=on (multipart/mixed mail. Saved .EML file = partial mail payload lines of mltipart/mixed + whole mail data lines)
Summary: Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail / offline-use=on (multipart/mixed mail. Saved .EML file = partial mail payload lines of mltipart/mixed + whole mail data lines) → Thunderbird 3.1.6 regression - broken attachments IMAP / Gmail / offline-use=on (multipart/mixed mail. Saved .EML file = partial mail payload lines of multipart/mixed + whole mail data lines)
No longer depends on: 587528
Closing as dup to consolidate to single bug.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer depends on: 823838
No longer depends on: 764662
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