Closed Bug 61385 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

when submitting two forms from JS only one succeeds


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)






(Reporter: rhusted, Assigned: rpotts)




(Keywords: testcase)

Login at the above site (username and password are already completed). Click on the EC Manager radio button and then on the "Login" button. Now click on any of the top tabs. You should see the tab in the top frame change to highlighted and you should see a new page in the bottom frame. The page in the bottom frame does not appear and the following JavaScript error is generated twice: Error: focusedWindow.location has no properties Source File: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.js Line: 118 Column: 0 The page submits two forms... each to a different frame. This site works in both MSIE and Navigator 4.7x, but not in Mozilla or Netscape 6. This bug completely breaks our application in Netscape 6 / Mozilla M18. Thank you for your help in fixing this bug -- Netscape 6 ROCKS! - Robert =)
Confirming bug on Linux as well as WinNT; changing OS to "All". I don't think the problem is the error mentioned above: Error: focusedWindow.location has no properties Source File: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.js Line: 118 Column: 0 You do get this error in the JavaScript console on WinNT after you login as described above, but not on Linux. In either case, however, you arrive successfully at this URL: which has the following structure: Frame 1: le=&role=&activetab=&mode=ecmanager&menutype=tab Form 1: Action URL: Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) Method: Post Form 2: Action URL: Encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) Method: Post Image: Image: Image: Image: Image: Image: Frame 2: Background Image: Image: Image: Now here is the HTML for the Frame 1 above: <HTML> <BASE HREF=""></BASE> <HEAD> <LINK rel=STYLESHEET href="http:/requisite/requisite_style.css" type="text/css"> <TITLE>Catalog:</TITLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src=""> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function openPage( url, tabnum, role, parentRole ) { parent.mainframe.location.replace( url ); document.mainview.role.value = role; document.mainview.activetab.value = tabnum; document.mainview.parentRole.value = parentRole; document.mainview.submit(); } function openModule( cmd, tabnum, role, parentRole ) { document.mainview.role.value = role; document.mainview.activetab.value = tabnum; document.mainview.parentRole.value = parentRole; document.module.cmd.value= cmd; document.module.submit(); document.mainview.submit(); } function setTab( role, activetab, parentRole ) { document.mainview.role.value = role; document.mainview.activetab.value = activetab; document.mainview.parentRole.value = parentRole; document.mainview.submit(); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor=#909090 leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"> <table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 vspace=0 valign=bottom> <tr valign=bottom> <td background=/requisite/reqmetal.gif valign=bottom> <img src=/requisite/bugseye_txt.gif><br> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr valign="bottom"><td><img src="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_lft.gif" border="0"></td><td background="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_bck.gif" align="center" valign="center" nowrap><a class="tabBak" href="javascript:setTab(1,-1,0);">Administration</a></td><td><img src="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_ctr.gif" border="0"></td><td background="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_bck.gif" align="center" valign="center" nowrap><a class="tabBak" href="javascript:setTab(2,-1,0);">Users & Views</a></td><td><img src="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_ctr.gif" border="0"></td><td background="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_bck.gif" align="center" valign="center" nowrap><a class="tabBak" href="javascript:setTab(16,-1,0);">Catalog Structure</a></td><td><img src="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_ctr.gif" border="0"></td><td background="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_bck.gif" align="center" valign="center" nowrap><a class="tabBak" href="javascript:setTab(4,-1,0);">Products</a></td><td><img src="/requisite/tabs/tab_blk_rt_end.gif" border="0"></td></tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> parent.mainframe.location.replace( '/requisite/home.htm' ); </SCRIPT> <FORM name="mainview" method="POST" action=""> <input type=hidden name="menutype" value="tab"> <input type=hidden name="mode" value="ecmanager"> <input type=hidden name="cmd" value="main_view"> <input type=hidden name="framecmd" value="contents"> <input type=hidden name="title" value=""> <input type=hidden name="role" value=""> <input type=hidden name="parent" value=""> <input type=hidden name="parentRole" value=""> <input type=hidden name="activetab" value=""> </FORM> <FORM name="module" target="mainframe" method="POST" action=""> <input type=hidden name="cmd" value="main_view"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> I can't figure out what is going wrong. On the chance that it is the navigator.js error mentioned by the reporter, I am cc'ing Heikki for his expertise in that area - is this error bogus, or real? But I also wonder if it is perhaps a Security issue involving cross-domain frame access? I'm thinking in particular of lines like this above: parent.mainframe.location.replace('/requisite/home.htm'); which is invoked from inside Frame 1. Changing component to Security-General for further triage - I do not see any JS Engine issues here -
Assignee: rogerl → mstoltz
Component: Javascript Engine → Security: General
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows NT → All
QA Contact: pschwartau → ckritzer
I can't seem to reproduce this, looks like the site is broken. When I click Login, I see Error: Version mismatch:The software version does not match the database version, please contact your administrator to ensure the system has been upgraded properly. Software version=BugsEye, db version= (2000-11-02 15:11:22.0) This error shows up regardless of the browser I use. Robert, can you give me another testcase?
Robert: I have updated the test site... the link should work fine now: After you login to, note that the tabs at the top do not work -- and the JavaScript error previously mentioned occurs in Netscape 6: Error: focusedWindow.location has no properties Source File: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.js Line: 118 Column: 0 Please call me if you have ANY problems with the example site or if you need any additional information. Work: 303.474.2265 (Requisite Technology) Thanks Guys! - Robert =)
I had a simillar problem with posting two form into two frames. I've created a testcase on The basic setup is 3 frames: "menu", "header", "main" The button in menu sends forms into other two frames. They return "recieved Post!" when they recieve post :-) else they show their names. There is also a Debug check box. When checked after posting each forn, you're get alertbox conforming it. I found that when it's on AND you wait after first alert until the main frame is updated, click OK, the the second form is posted, web application recieves both forms. Otherwise the first form posting is interupted by the second posting and only the second one recieves the post! Pali
please add "testcase" Keyword, so that something finally happens with this bug...
But we don't _have_ a testcase. A testcase is a small (~1k) document or set of documents that reproduces the bug. All we have are some big files and some CGI scripts... I am confoosed...
We HAVE a testcase!! I created it here: Haven't you read my previous comment from 2000-12-16 02:06 ?! Pavol Vaskovic
Pavol: yep, sorry. I was looking for something even simpler but that will do! Thanks! :-) So it seems that the first submission is being killed by the second submission. Triaging -> form submission component.
Assignee: mstoltz → rods
Severity: critical → major
Component: Security: General → Form Submission
QA Contact: ckritzer → vladimire
Summary: Links don't work → when submitting two forms from JS only one succeeds
Assignee: rods → pollmann
Bug still present in Mozilla 0.7 build 20010109. In testcase only last form has successfull submision. Hope something happens with this until 0.9 because it's IMHO a real showstopper in web aplications (there is subsequent posting of two or more forms really common).
I can reproduce this. Note that in order to reproduce the problem, I had to turn off insecure form submit warning (uncheck the "show this warning next time" checkbox in the dialog that pops up whenever you submit any form). I think this allows the form submissions to occur rapidly enough after one another to reveal a race condition. My guess is that this bug is a permutation of the loading/targetting problem. That is, when the form is submitted, the *load* is occuring in the *initiating frame*, not the *targetted frame*. Then, when the second *load* occurs, it too occurs in the *initiating frame*, and cancels all previous loads in this frame (i.e. cancels the earlier load, which was not targetted at the same window). Handing this one over to Rick who, I think, is looking at these issues. (If not, please feel free to hand it back!)
Blocks: 65777
isn't this a dupe of bug 48759 : Flash plug-in not able to get multiple page?? if yes, then this deserves also P2 :-)
Hey! Let's join forces with ppl around bug 48759 so it gets finally solved! C'mon, read that bug and tell me if I'm wrong when I think it is the same bug as this one. Or reather tell me that I'm right :-) but do something. This is too important to miss the mozilla0.9! So let's get things moving! :-)
I'm using Netscape 6.01 right now and getting the same error (only mine reports on line 118). I'm getting this error in frames even when not using forms. Anytime that a link loads another page in the same frame I get the error. I've made a bare minimum test case at The testcase shows that: when you load the same page into the same frame, you get the error when you load a different page into the same frame, you get the error when you load a page into a different frame, you don't get the error I know you're looking for something to do with form submitions but I believe this is the same bug. Since I have a different line number being reported I got a copy of my navigator.js file (save as) and checked that the error is coming from the function contentAreaFrameFocus. You can check this against your navigator.js to make sure these are the same bugs. Also if you want a copy of my navigator.js file: It looks like all this code does is keep track of which "frame" has focus and what that frame's URL is so that the browser knows what URL to save when the user clicks "Save Frame As". Maybe just adding a "&& window.location" to the if statement to make sure there is a location object would fix this bug. It might introduce the possibility that netscape won't know what URL to save if the user clicks "Save Frame As" before giving another frame focus but at least this would get rid of all the nasty JS errors. Maybe I'm way off here, check out the testcase and let me know.
Is this related to bug 68666?
I don't think so. This one doesn't need to be submitted via javascript (or even use a form submitted in any way).
If JS is not necessary then I suggest you redo the test case to save yourself the pain of running into the other bug!
Tim: the error shown on JavaScript console does not affect this bug. I don't think this has something to do with the bug you mention, but I will take further investigation on that...
Adam: No this is not related to 68666. All: I've made testcase which respods with the method by which the variables came: and This bug ocurrs regardless of the submit method (both GET and POST) so the problem is somewhere in the Form Submition part.
Also mozilla 0.8 introduced some redraw bug -> see testcase
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
Is there already a solution/work around for this problem?
This should be fixed with the patch in bug #65777.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Rick: sorry but this isn't solved by that patch :-( if it(the patch) was checked in and turned on in windows build 2001051604. See testcase... --mondo
SORRY!!! I don't know why but when I tryed for second time it worked correctly, so I take my last post back. Again I'm sorry for the spam. --mondo
verifying fixed on build 2001-05-15-04-trunk windows 98
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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