Open Bug 625626 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add small close button to all arrow panels


(Toolkit :: XUL Widgets, defect)





(Reporter: Margaret, Unassigned)



From bug 615315 comment 11:

>Alex, the bug summary also talks about adding close buttons to panels. I don't
>know if we can/should add the close buttons to the arrow panel widget, since
>that seems to make too broad an impact. We could add the close button to the
>content of other panels in the browser, but it seems unnecessary for the panels
>appear as the direct result of a user action, such as the identity and bookmark
>star panels. In either case, adding close buttons to panels would make this
>patch more complicated, so it might be best to push that work to another bug
>for the sake of landing this.

Yeah, we need to make the interaction consistent (our occasional lack of
consistency due to when we land certain things was brought up as a concern at
the last monday Firefox team meeting).  I don't really care if we split it into
a separate patch, just that we eventually have the same behavior across all
arrow panels.
Severity: normal → S3
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