Closed Bug 631485 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[QAC generated] Tab-modal dialog loses focus after tab switch


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: myf, Unassigned)



Steps to Reproduce
1. javascript:void alert('Switch to other tab, return back, and try to close me with keyboard.');
2. Switch to other tab.
3. Return back.
4. Try to close or even focus dialg with keyboard.

What should have happened:
Focus is on the "OK" button.
Pressing escape closes dialog.
Pressing tab moves focus to other (top-level) control (awesomebar/searchbar…).

What actually happened:
Focus is trapped somewhere and cannot be moved with tab key.
Escape does nothing.
The only way to navigate back to the dialog is to focus other (top-level) control (eg. awesomebar with alt+d) and tab from there.
Severity: normal → minor
Depends on: 59314

Can not reproduce.
On build:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0b7pre) Gecko/20101001 Firefox/4.0b7pre
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110208 Firefox/4.0b12pre
You are right, what I reported does not seemingly happen in vanilla installation with default settings.
But it somehow happens with "<b>Tabs on top</b>" UI layout (being the only non-default setting).
I'll investigate it further and bring more precise report soon.
I did a quick test, with vanilla profile of today's minefield, and here are results:

Windows XP sp3
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110214 Firefox/4.0b12pre

Conditions: Minefield with clean profile, first run state (remembered trough "Show my windows and tabs from last time" setting)
= two tabs opened ( and about:home )
firefox.exe -no-remote -profile ".\profile_clean"


1) In first tab entred above "javascript:..." URL and pressed ENTER
2) pressed CTRL + TAB twice


1) Focus lost
3) Escape key does nothing

further steps:

1) pressing TAB has no visual effect until FOURTH stroke : focus on active tab
2) next TAB (5): this one brings focus to Awesomebar
3) next TAB (6): Search Bar
4) next TAB (7): ? (probably page; pressing ESCAPE now would close the dialogue)
5) next TAB (8): "OK" button, finally

So no need to reorganize the UI to reproduce this behaviour.
Is the problem in the current bug resolved by bug 638352 or does it still exist?
Reporter -> Any update?
Closing bug as Incomplete - if you are still experiencing this issue or have more information to provide feel free to post back here and we can re-open the bug. You can also get assistance by visiting the Firefox help site ->
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Yup, didn't manage to reproduce with 20110808 Firefox/8.0a1. Made few alert use-cases and focus remained where it should. Good work! :] And sorry for late response.
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