Closed Bug 644543 Opened 14 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Firefox 4 stores a large amount of data in my user profile exceeding my network allocation.


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: michael.tetlow, Unassigned)



User-Agent:       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Build Identifier: 

At home this no problem. 

At work, on the company PC, the installation of Firefox 4 installs 12 MB in C:\Documents and Settings\michael.tetlow\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles. As this is a roaming profile, it has a limit (10 MB per user) which is exceeded.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Install Firefox 4
Actual Results:  
Installing Firefox 4 causes the problem - Installing Firefox 3 doesn't

Expected Results:  
An option on where to store the profile would be nice. I have the whole disk available

I had to uninstall Firefox 4 which unistalled Firefox 3 at the same time.
I am now unable to find a version of Firefox 3 on the web. 

I've been running Firefox here at work for many years and will have to start using the Company's defaul browser IE6 ! Thanks.
10 MBs is really small for any modern software, you should consider talking seriously with your network administrator.
Notice you could use Portable Firefox from a pendrive if you have access to usb ports.
In the meantime, you can find Firefox 3.6.x here:
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Blocks: 581606
I agree that 10mb is ridiculously small for firefox(run it with a -profile pointed somewhere else)

I don't have any numbers of cost/benefit of chunked allocation on network drives. It might be worthwhile to disable it there.
well no reason to stay unconfirmed, could be wontfix or valid, but not unconfirmed.
Ever confirmed: true
Severity: critical → normal
Summary: Firefox 4 stores a large amount of data in my user profile exceeding my allocation. → Firefox 4 stores a large amount of data in my user profile exceeding my network allocation.
Thanks for revealing where Firefox 3.6 was. It was well hidden. I've re-installed it.
The comments about 10mb being small for a profile space don't help. Many have have complained about this within the company. The companies reply is always "don't store any data in the user profile, this takes time to encrypt and to load whenever you move, use the companies servers to store the data".
In my mind that's a fair comment.
The bottom line is this : This is a big company with thousands of employees and none of them will ever be able to run Firefox 4. 
When Firefox 3 stops being supported I will have to revert back to Internet Explorer.
As Taras pointed out, you should be able to point the profile folder to any folder with firefox.exe -profile "C:\Firefox\Profiles\MyProfile" or as I said you can put a portable version of firefox in any folder, and the profile will be retained in the same folder.
Thanks for the info on the profile switch. I now have Firefox 4 running here.
The euphoria of running Firefox 4 at work was short lived.

I launched Firefox with the -profile switch pointing to my D: drive and all was well until I tried to open a URL in an email in Outlook.

The "Import Settings and Data" wizard was launched (The one that you see when you install Firefox and which I have previously responded to). WHATEVER I do next causes the firefox cache to be re-created in my personal profile and then the warning about exceeding my profile space is given.

In my view this is another bug

I've now reinstated Firefox 3.6.
Most likely that profile is not considered the default profile, so when firefox is launched from an external app it is not always going to it but to the one marked as default.
I think you can add that special profile to Profiles.ini (look for it in the parent folder of the usual profile folder in Documents & Settings) and add Default=1 to it, so that when the app is launched will use that.
and be sure to remove Default=1 from any other profile.
Finally solving as a wontfix. We are working towards reducing the size of some files through bugs like 977149 and lz4 compression, but modern browsers require larger data store and we can't go around that.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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