Open Bug 644713 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Provide correct and more meaningful status bar information when moving messages between IMAP accounts


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Windows XP


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: tanstaafl, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: ux-userfeedback)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16
Build Identifier: 3.1.9

I'm not sure whether to call this a bug or not, but I think it should be considered such, due to the fact that it is incorrectly describing what is going on during part of the operation as described below...

When moving or copying a lot of messages between 2 different IMAP accounts, the status bar shows what is happening - or at least it is supposed to.

However, when the messages are of any significant size and take more than a second to download, the status turns into something that basically just says 'Downloading message...' with a split second flash in between messages that is the meaningful part - 'Copying message # of ###' - basically making this status message not very useful... especially seeing as it says 'Downloading...' even when it is actually *Uploading* the message to the target folder.

I propose that the way this status message is displayed be changed as follows...

1. Make the first part of the status message static, like so:

"[Moving][Copying] ### messages: "

Differentiate between moving and copying - ie, if it is a move operation, say 'Moving' above if a copy operation, say 'Copying'.

3. for the part after the colon, I'm thinking something like:

"# of ###, [down][up]loading..."

Again, when the message is being downloaded prior to uploading to the new location, say 'downloading...', when it is being uploaded, say 'uploading...'.

Then, the only things that ever change is the first number, and the 'downloading/uploading' part...

Hopefully this makes sense.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Select multiple messages larger than 1MB (can be on the local LAN)
2. Move or copy these messages to another IMAP account that is NOT on the local LAN
3. Note the status message behavior
Summary: Request: more meaningful activity dialog when mass moving messages between accounts → Request: more meaningful activity dialog when mass moving messages between IMAP accounts
To copy a message from one imap account, we have to download it from the first imap account (hence the downloading status message) and then upload it to the destination imap account. But yeah, the status messages aren't useful for this operation.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: ux-userfeedback
(In reply to comment #1)
> To copy a message from one imap account, we have to download it from the first
> imap account (hence the downloading status message) and then upload it to the
> destination imap account.

I know - hence my comment specifically mentioning that it says 'Downloading...' even during the *second phase* of the move/copy operation - ie, when it is in fact *uploading* the message to the *target* folder (which I guess could be considered a separate bug - should I go open one for that, or can we leave it here as part of this one?)... ;)

Also, I just remembered there is another related bug...

When you select just one large message, wait and let it fully download (yes, this is in a folder that marked for offline use), then move or copy it to another IMAP account, it downloads the message *again*, before doing the move/copy operation...

Guess I'll go open another bug for that one...

> But yeah, the status messages aren't useful for this operation.

Thanks for confirming...
(In reply to comment #2)
> Also, I just remembered there is another related bug...
> When you select just one large message, wait and let it fully download (yes,
> this is in a folder that marked for offline use), then move or copy it to
> another IMAP account, it downloads the message *again*, before doing the
> move/copy operation...
> Guess I'll go open another bug for that one...

Done... bug 645173
Summary: Request: more meaningful activity dialog when mass moving messages between IMAP accounts → more meaningful status bar information when mass moving messages between IMAP accounts
+1 for comment 0, and I like the direction of ideas proposed here.

Perhaps this:

[Moving|Copying] message [1] of [10] from [Inbox] on [] to [Inbox] on []: [downloading message...|uploading message...]

For same account operations, assuming they work the same way (do they?):
[Moving|Copying] message 1 of 10 from [Inbox] to [MyFolder] on []: [downloading message...|uploading message...]
Summary: more meaningful status bar information when mass moving messages between IMAP accounts → Provide correct and more meaningful status bar information when moving messages between IMAP accounts
Blocks: 66860
Severity: normal → S3
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