Closed Bug 66207 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Move elements of accept cookie dialog.


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: 1212mozilla, Assigned: mpt)



Currently the accept cookie dialog box looks something like this: ========================================= Site so-and-so want to set a cookie. Do you wish to allow this? [x] Remember this decision. [YES] [NO] ========================================= I think it should look more like this: ========================================= Site so-and-so want to set a cookie. Do you wish to allow this? [YES] [NO] [x] Remember this decision. ========================================= Everytime the dialog pops up, I get a quick glance at it and see it as: Remember the current decision? [YES] [NO] Its caused my to hit the wrong button a couple times Moving the buttons up would help me associate them with the correct question more easily.
confirming, cc morse (but our current common dialog architecture doesn't allow for this change)
Ever confirmed: true
===================================== Site %site% wants to set [>] a <a href="about:cookies">cookie</a>. Do you wish to allow this? [>] {Yes} {No} ===================================== Site %site% wants to set [v] a <a href="about:cookies">cookie</a>. name: %cookiename% value [%cookievalue%] Do you wish to allow this? [>] {Yes} {No} ===================================== Site %site% wants to set [>] a <a href="about:cookies">cookie</a>. Do you wish to allow this? [v] {Yes} {No} [x] Remember this decision. [x] Set Cookie to Expire ( ) Never ( ) At date [ |v] ( ) When leaving this page ( ) When &branding.browser; quits ===================================== see also bug 64336 where they're working on the same confusion. The (*) should be set based on the server's recommendation, this allows users to find out what the server was thinking and overide that preference. key: [ ] means an editable control, ( ) means a radio button, [ ] means a check box, [x] means a checked checkbox, (*) means a checked radio button [>] means a collapsed twisty [v] means an expanded twisty. [ |v] means an editable box with a helper control. For dates, that would ideally be a date picker.
Actually, posting my suggestion to bug 64336 was what made me remember to file this bug. I layed out my suggested dialog in that bug as if this one were already fixed. I don't think it means anybody in that bug is working on this problem. I think you suggestions would be better filed under the other bug, Timeless.
The inclusion of the cookiename and cookievalue in the cookie warning box is the subject of bug 23508.
Cc mpt in case he wants to suggest a better text than "remember this decision".
cc world because, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know [whose opinion] you're going to get. erm, if someone wants to move my suggestion into another bug, feel free, i'm tired.
Re: the original suggestion, absolutely not. Buttons which dismiss a dialog should always be the same distance away from the edge of the dialog, to guide your eyes towards the buttons. (Windows 2000 gets this wrong in its `Confirm Shortcut Delete' dialog.) And if `Remember this decision' is placed below the buttons, a user will never get to check it -- they'll click one of the buttons, and by the time they get to the checkbox it will have disappeared. Re: Timeless's fiendish proposal, that better belongs in bug 53354. [Jesse: No need to CC me on a bug if I'm already QA for it.]
Hardware: PC → All
If the buttons must be at the bottom, how about something like this: ========================================= Site so-and-so want to set a cookie. [x] Remember this decision. Do you wish to allow this? [YES] [NO] ========================================= I still think that the buttons should be next to the question that you are answering with them. I personally never minded Microsofts way of doing it because if you miss it the first time, you get another chance at it. Although, I don't think I ever missed something belowt the buttons. I guess I was always taught to read tho whole thing before signing....
One more possibility: ========================================= Site so-and-so want to set a cookie. [x] Remember this decision. [ALLOW] [DENY] =========================================
I believe the current cookie dialog is fine as is in terms of the placement of the controls. I think it is odd to have the 'remember...' checkbox between the statement to remember and the question, because the question has to come before whether or not to remember the decision. I also agree with mpt that the buttons that dismiss the dialog are should always be nearest to the bottom edge. I also believe that in the redeisgn that the checkbox is just as easily overlooked, and that the usability gains will be marginal.
==================================================== Site so-and-so want to set a cookie. You need to decide if the cookie may be set. [x] Remember this decision. Do you wish to allow this? [YES] [NO] ================================================== ======================================================== Site so-and-so want to set a cookie.| | [x] Remember Do you wish to allow this? | this decision. | [YES] [NO] | ==========================================================
I was just reading what German said again and I now think he means "get rid of the remember decision checkbox". Noooooooooo!!!!!! With other browsers I ran programs like cookie pal and junkbuster. With Mozilla I don't feel that I need to run them because mozilla has much of their functionality. Without the "remember this decision" checkbox you are forced to accept all cookies unless you want to dismiss dialogs every 2 seconds. This is a feature that sets mozilla miles above other browsers. Most people want more out of this dialog (see bug 53354) not less! I would much rather live with being confused occasionally than not having the functionality, but I would also like to see the dialog presented in a more readable manner.
I can assure you that german was not suggesting removing the checkbox.
The checkbox could be replaced by `Always' and `Never' buttons, like I already suggested in bug 55354.
mpt: please try again, that's a crashing duplicate.
Sorry, bug 53354 (which both Stephen and I referred to in earlier comments in this bug).
QA Contact: mpt → zach
Chaning the qa contact on these bugs to me. MPT will be moving to the owner of this component shortly. I would like to thank him for all his hard work as he moves roles in, Yada, Yada...
updating to new owner. sorry for the spam.
Assignee: hangas → mpt
Blocks: 100573
There seems to have already been a decision made here not to change the layout. So...wontfix?
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
It is still just as confusing as it was when I reported it. There are other bugs that change the way the cookie dialog looks. (Mostly adding more options to it) Some of those changes will hopefully make the dialog more straightforward.
Component: User Interface Design → Browser-General
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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