Closed Bug 674535 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Lastpass causes immortal zombie compartments


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dre, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [MemShrink:P3])

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #669730 +++


 * Install LastPass (I have 1.74.0).
 * Visit a site that has a sign-in and save the credentials (I used for this test case).
 * Restart Firefox.
 * Open about:memory, review compartments.
 * Visit the saved site again.
 * Let LastPass sign you in.
 * Close the site tab.
 * Refresh about:memory.
 * Click <minimize memory usage>.  Notice that the compartment for the site is still listed.

I don't know how popular LastPass is, but I am filing because I found the STR.  I found one bugzilla user with a domain so I am CC'ing him (Sorry if you are the wrong person to ping, Joe).  Will e-mail as well to loop them in.
Oops, forgot to change the summary when I cloned the bug. :/
Summary: Firebug causes immortal zombie compartments → Lastpass causes immortal zombie compartments
Thanks Daniel, we'll take a look
Whiteboard: [MemShrink] → [MemShrink:P3]
Thank you for reporting this Daniel, it has been resolved in our prebuilds for Firefox: 

And should be released generally soon. 

This was somewhat painful to track down even with the help of this post:

Adding more info to the verbose version of about:memory would be a great improvement.
Joe: great work, thanks!  Can you briefly explain why it was painful and how you found the leak?

> Adding more info to the verbose version of about:memory would be a great
> improvement.

What info would have helped you?
(In reply to Joe Siegrist from comment #3)
> And should be released generally soon. 

I guess we can close this bug once the new version is released.
Was it released? Because lastpass sure still seems to really bump Firefox's memory usage...

PS, The link is now bad, maybe because its released?
It's been released -- 1.80.0  --  (it was in 1.75.0 as well but we never got it through AMO's approval there). 

The amount of memory utilized by the extension appears to stable and proportional to the number of sites you have.
I don't think this has been fixed.  I tried the steps from comment 0 on v1.74.0 and v1.80.0 and both of them left behind the zombie compartment.
With LastPass 1.75 or above it doesn't show the compartment 2 seconds after closing the tab for me unless I choose 'More Verbose'.

If I do that compartment ultimately goes away too, logging into any other site with LastPass makes it go away immediately in LP1.75+.
(In reply to Joe Siegrist from comment #9)
> With LastPass 1.75 or above it doesn't show the compartment 2 seconds after
> closing the tab for me unless I choose 'More Verbose'.

about:memory has to be in verbose mode to accurately diagnose zombie compartments, otherwise a zombie could be hidden in one of the aggregate "N omitted" nodes.

> If I do that compartment ultimately goes away too, logging into any other
> site with LastPass makes it go away immediately in LP1.75+.

I didn't log into any subsequent sites, which probably explains it.  So it sounds like LastPass now holds onto one zombie compartment, instead of N?  If so, that's an improvement, but not a complete fix.
Depends on: hueyfix
Bug 720236 indicates that Lastpass also adds 20MB of memory consumption to Firefox's start-up, which seems excessive.
I'm surprised at that number, have any additional tools been added to help track these issues down?  

Using nightly I show 6MB increase on start up to 37Mb at startup.  Still higher than anticipated though.

The one area clearly added when LastPass loads is the following, if you have tips for making progress here we'd appreciate them.

├─────292,651 B (00.79%) -- dom
│     ├──292,651 B (00.79%) -- window-objects
│     │  └──292,651 B (00.79%) -- active
│     │     ├──240,723 B (00.65%) -- top=1 (inner=2)
│     │     │  ├──237,701 B (00.64%) -- inner-window(id=2, uri=chrome://browser/content/browser.xul)
│     │     │  ├────1,511 B (00.00%) -- inner-window(id=10, uri=about:blank)
│     │     │  └────1,511 B (00.00%) -- inner-window(id=9, uri=about:blank)
│     │     ├───41,639 B (00.11%) -- top=12 (inner=14)
│     │     │   ├──39,544 B (00.11%) -- inner-window(id=14, uri=about:addons)
│     │     │   ├───1,695 B (00.00%) -- inner-window(id=18, uri=about:blank)
│     │     │   └─────400 B (00.00%) -- inner-window(id=17, uri=[system])
│     │     ├────5,731 B (00.02%) -- top=7 (inner=19)
│     │     │    └──5,731 B (00.02%) -- inner-window(id=19, uri=about:memory?verbose)
│     │     ├────2,800 B (00.01%) -- outer-windows [7]
│     │     └────1,758 B (00.00%) -- top=3 (inner=4)
│     │          └──1,758 B (00.00%) -- inner-window(id=4, uri=resource://gre-resources/hiddenWindow.html)
│     └────────0 B (00.00%) -- workers()
│              └──0 B (00.00%) -- worker(chrome://lastpass/content/lpctypesworker.js, 0xc06f8000c06f800)
│                 ├──0 B (00.00%) -- runtime
│                 │  ├──0 B (00.00%) -- runtime-object
│                 │  ├──0 B (00.00%) -- atoms-table
│                 │  ├──0 B (00.00%) -- contexts
│                 │  └──0 B (00.00%) -- threads
│                 │     ├──0 B (00.00%) -- normal
│                 │     ├──0 B (00.00%) -- temporary
│                 │     └──0 B (00.00%) -- stack-committed
│                 ├──0 B (00.00%) -- gc-heap-chunk-dirty-unused
│                 ├──0 B (00.00%) -- gc-heap-chunk-clean-unused
│                 ├──0 B (00.00%) -- gc-heap-decommitted
│                 └──0 B (00.00%) -- gc-heap-chunk-admin
Joe, have you been able to address the zombie compartment problem?
(In reply to Jorge Villalobos [:jorgev] from comment #13)
> Joe, have you been able to address the zombie compartment problem?

No, I haven't been able to find a way to see what's hanging on to the single compartment that's still being held in some cases.
I can still reproduce the leak with Bugzilla.

On an unrelated note, the Firefox logos on this page: doesn't follow our identity policies ( I recommend you replace them soon.

Version 1.90.4 fixes this immortal zombie.  This has been released on our side and is awaiting review on the AMO side. 

Logos on  have been updated, thanks for the head's up.

Andrew, please have a look when you have the time. Thanks.
Nvm, I reviewed it due to security urgency. The memory leak has been fixed in this version.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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